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My favorite Indie game at the moment would have to be Guacamele: Gold Edition, fantastic metroidvania platforming action game.  Fantastic music, character, and art direction.  Easily one of the best Indie games of the past few years.

It would be JOURNEY most likely.

Minecraft, it's just so diverse.

Hotline Miami.

 Well, I am new to the tek scene so I have never played an Indie game.( I had to Google "Indie games" lol) I am going to try goat sim soon though hopefully as soon as I get my gaming rig built.

Kerbal Space Program. Awesome spaceships

FTL: Faster Than Light 

Magicka !

Kerbal space program

great physics based game even though it still has some bugs


My favorite Indie game has got to be Fez, I don't care that the dev is a douche nozzle, it's an amazing game! :D

Hotline Miami or Minecraft for sure.

I see what you are doing here. You are just trolling our answers for what games to play.

Anyway, I'd probably have to go with Antichamber or Super Hexagon - I have wasted way too much time on that second one.

It's a tie between FTL and Journey. FTL has fantastic music and game play, Journey also has fantastic music with a great narrative.