If not, what specs do I need to change?
If not, what specs do I need to change?
Should work!
This is mine emu on linux and with six core AMD & Geforce 480
Yes if you use original graphics, upscaling shouldnt be a problem.
oh ya easy, my intel core 2 duo can do ps2 emus
Here's another question. What PS2 emulator do you guys suggest. PCSX2?
Yes i use that one and it's the one that has worked best for me.
You should be fine with those specs. Could probably run it at 1080 upscaled and AA. I played trough the entirety of shadow of the colossus on my laptop using PCSX2 at 720p. worked fine for me(and my laptop is just a potato with a i7 core).
will my two 6709ms and 36030qm be able to play ps2 games and on what settings.
Pretty much any PC can use emulators, so you'll be fine. You may have to tweak your graphics/display settings, but often times the emulator does that for you.