Will Far Cry 4 be getting the Ubishaft?

Lately Ubisoft has been on a quest to dig themselves an ever deeper hole with the 30fps/resolution is a just number/lets lock the pc to look like consoles thing. Most of that has been around the new Assassin's Creed game though, and previously Watch Dogs, but what about Far Cry 4? I really enjoyed Far Cry 3 and I was actually considering buying 4, however there is no way I would pay full price for a gimped game. 

It looks like they are targeting 1080/30fps on the consoles for it, but are they locking it to 30fps on PC like they are talking about with Assassin's Creed?

Well they are also getting into the dodgy waters of micro transactions with The Crew. Buy game at full price, season pass at release and micro transaction on top of all of that. 

Also yes they locked the fps at 30 for the betas but they say 60 is the goal for release and 60 ran fine during the betas.

It is a mixed bag but the bottom line is this. Nuts to Ubisoft.