Wierd Power cord that came with my PSU that doesn't work?

My power supply came with a cord and on it it says '650/750/850AX ONLY'
It has Sata power ports on them but this cord doesnt fit anywhere on my power supply.
There are enough port to add this cord and all the rest but it doesn't plug in anywhere. I would like to use this cord but I am not sure how to get it working. Any help? Thanks for the feedback!

My build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/RJ_GamingBoss/saved/HjMD4D

picture or link to cord?

Seeing as that PSU is not modular, it is probably an extension

Pics please

Pics or it didn't happen ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Not sure what it is for but here are the pictures of it:


Looks like a cord for the ax modular psus. It must have made its way into your box by accident. You can't use it for anything.

Your right. I'm actually looking at one of my extra modular cables right now. Odd that it ended up in a builder series psu box but weirder things have definitely happened. Keep it for a rainy day man or at the very least give it to someone you know who has a modular psu and a sick desire to run ALL the sata powered devices.

I'd keep it. I can't even tell how many times I've come to a standstill because of a wire. Line 4 days ago I had to postpone finishing my girlfriend's pc because I needed a wire for a gfx card.

Okay, but then is there a way I can get a new Sata cord for my PC? I have three HDDs and an optical drive I would like to use, only one cord is too short to use for all four, Lol.

Does it have a molex cable?

You could use a molex>SATA adapter

I already have an adapter, however I would like to add some SSDs at some point seeing as I can put a lot in my case, but I don't want to stuff it full of adapters and I don't think I have the room anyways.

This is what I use, I have two or three of them in my server.

There are wires that go from Molex to sata.

so you wana use a cord you have no idea what its' for... sound logic.

I want to use a cord that has Sata on it, Praise Logic, Right?