Why the Xbone Got Screwed Over by the Community

I disagree with this point, Firstly the latency added of any connection to a server for it to perform any form of additional computation would make it null/void as by the time the results are returned to the console they will be outdated my the least a couple 100ms. Off loading work to a computing cluster (for real time purposes) is only viable when you are local to the server.

Also just because it is connecting to a server, doesn't mean it is doing additional computation. Look at the case of SimCity, that was connecting to server to do "additional" computation, when in reality (due to 'Notch's findings) it didn't realise it was disconnected from the internet for 20 minutes.

>people don't realize obvious troll thread

>hangs self

it's not obvious. some people actually believe that kind of bullshit. liek mac users

Like the opinion of  Xiveus that a $900 Mac Mini will outperform an $1800 PC.

GTX 770 < Intel HD Graphics 4000

Geez OP - its just a console what the hell did ps4 do to you? did you get teabagged?

>can't read comments about troll post

>hangs self in the afterlife

The fact that you're trying so hard to lable this as a "Troll post" when everyone can tell that you were completely serious only shows that you feel embarrased that you posted something that got so much nagative attention. 

You posted an opinion, something you thought was a "Fact" and everyone dissagreed with you.

Is it unfortunate for you? Yes. Should you be grown up about it and accept that no one believes that the consumers screwed over the industry? Yes.

This is a forum for adults (Technically) to discuss technology. Don't act like a child when things don't go your way, man.

Do you really think a console peasant would go on this site?

Console peasant here, brb for my daily bent-over session...

It has the similar hardware but I expect WAY more out of it because Sony isn't forcing the developers to use DirectX as an API. They can program on a much lower level and truly take advantage of the hardware. Remember in the old days how games would get crazier on a Console as the developers learned the secrets? I foresee that with PS4 in a much bigger way than with the Xbone.

They really both have the performance of say a 7790. Low end budget card. There won't be much difference in games, visually.

No...what MSFT was doing with the cloud servers is cheating in a sense by offloading the more hardware intensive calculations into the cloud while letting the actual console act like a terminal (vs Server for those that remember those days). Amazon does the same thing with their Kindle. The online experience you receive with the Kindle is theorhetically much smoother than say the Nook because AMZ is using their servers to do the actual surfing, etc so they can get away with slightly lesser hardware.

As for 'killing the console', the bloody thing is still coming out so I'm not sure what's got you so hot 'n' bothered. Whether they reversed that last decision or not, this was Always going to be the way the system worked. Now it just doesn't Have to call momma-soft every 24hrs to let Balmer know you're not really using Crome on that new hardware.

Why would Microsoft want to see out of shape 20 year olds in their mom's basement?

Do you Really wanna know? ;-)

I beg to differ....

People drive the industry. The industry DOES NOT drive itself. People do not want digital distribution as the only way to distribute media, be it video games, music, or movies. When it comes to digital only, the content creators/distributors remove that level of control over what the consumers have bought from the consumers. When I buy a video game, i'm not interested in a license to use that game under a predetermined set of conditions. I bought it, and I will use it how I see fit. I'm fine with the limitation of not being able to OWN the software on the disc I bought, but when i purchased it for $60+ I purchased the right to use it how I see fit. I will continue to use it at my buddies house, or loan it to a friend, or sell it online or at GameStop. That is NOT something someone else gets to dictate.