Why that blue screen doe? ;(

Hi guys!  :lol:

I have finally build my new PC. I had some problems but they all worked out...

Than I started up my NEW PC and installed Windows 8.1, ok so did that and that was it.

I was in windows for a few minutes but than turned the computer off because I had some work to do, and didin't really have time to install all the drivers and stuff. And now everytime I turn it one I get this blue screen (the background colour) I can get into the bios of my ROG Hero motherboar but I don't really know what to do. So help? Thank you all!  :D


Try the following:

1. Turning your PC on without the graphics card connected or..

2. With either a stick of ram or the other;

3. Recheck the cableing.

4. Trying to boot into safe mode.