Why do the new broadwell chips have to denote unlocked as C instead of K now
I mean come on... as if K didnt make since.. why C LOLS
Any thoughts
Why do the new broadwell chips have to denote unlocked as C instead of K now
I mean come on... as if K didnt make since.. why C LOLS
Any thoughts
Maybe they're trying to spell unlocked backwards
Then they messed in a few different ways.. including how to spell
C for Cool.
haha (resolutions.. such a troll) LOLS
No i really never understood it.. why not name it U for unlocked and change the other U and Y lettered skus to something else... L and E for energy efficient/low power would make since :D
K for overclocKing
Guess Make since @NJM1112
I like consistency..when something creates a disturbance in the force... I get peeved... haha though this isnt that big of a deal LOLS
Rollymaster just blew my mind with the lock spelled backwards but, if they weren't doing that, I think it would be awesome if they shifted towards that. Would be the epic nerdception. If it isn't that, someone needs to flip a table and nerdrage.
K for Kool is kooler. :P
We have a barnucles nerdgasm echolite here... all the nerd*** words LOLS jk haha
Does any of the Core naming structure make any sense to you? It is all just a convoluted mess made by the guys in marketing to hide the fact that their processors aren't actually getting any faster.
I DETEST that statement.. They are slowly getting improved.. you see roughly a 10-20 percent increase in performance per interation... Ivy bridge to haswell refresh was the smallest jump but that doesnt mean that it will always be that way :P
In the case of AMD yeah kinda
I agree, Intel has been steadily improving their technology, but the focus of late has been in thermal and wattage performance. You compare last year's CPUs to today, they have made some pretty amazing leaps in those categories. Credit where credit is due, Intel has really turned their CPUs around in the face of competition from ARM, intonation sleeker, and slimmer units, despite how ridiculous the the new Maxbooks are, they are a testimate to that, with CPUs that don't even need the fan I'm most situations
Intel does what Intel wants cuz Intel
These sorts of huge ass companies just do these things... By these things i mean if it doesnt make sence then its logical theirfore they must do it.
Maybe the C parts are slower than the current K series, just more power efficient. That's my guess.
What if:
C is for OverClocking
K is for Extreme OverClocking
X is for More Money Than Sense OverClocking
Basically if K is not going away they might just bin chips lower slap a C on them and sell them for a profit and allow overclocking but they wont be the best for it.
Is K actually going away?
Never question Intel. Just kidding haha. I'm not that big of a fanboy.
Looks at avatar
Yup checks out.