Why does Wendel hide behind the monitors?

I actually have 4 monitors already but another valid point - those monitor arms are pretty epic. :) which Im sure has been talked about before haha.

Thats epic. :)

i was a bit harsh and overreacted. it's clear that you were just playing along and don't intend to be invasive of his privacy.

didn't intend to cause offense. no need for you to justify yourself to me or anyone else really, so i don't see how your career or family situation has anything to do with this.

anyway, be well. i'll leave your thread.


Cheers dude and bravo.. I like how you handled that reply. You're a cool dude. Sorry I said stfu.. You're OK in my book.

thanks. no hard feelings.

Its not for his protection, but it is for the protection of the ones he loves the most...

Truth be told, Wendell is actually a Ninja... of computing

I never thought I'd get to use this image more than once :P

It could be so that he can look at the camera without having to look away from the monitors. When you get used to working with many displays, you can get a lot more done as well as enjoy more content, e.g., gaming while watching anime. Or depending on your setup, you can have 2-3 monitors connected directly to your PC, and then a 4th monitor connected to a KVM which then connects to your main PC in addition to a secondary PC (great for if you are doing periodic work on a second system, that then requires long stretches of processing time, e.g., 3D modeling, converting video and other stuff.

I've known Wendell for many years and consider him to be a good friend despite us losing touch the last few years. He's way more about the tech and code than the spotlight, that's his preference.

Plus he's uber smart so I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't an inside joke going on about the lack of him showing his face.

That's my two cents...


True that.

I like that Wendell is essentially an encyclopaedia and lets his work be his impact on the community. Let his reasons be his own.

Wendell is wanted by the Finnish government for parking tickets.

wendel is obviously not the most attractive person


with all that crazy tech-speak come crazy fuzz. Its a proven fact that the ladies instantly drop to their knees at the mere mention of ipv-6 or linux kernel.

ahhhh, but I shall never seek them out...hehe

Why would you assume he is hiding. He is at his command station pulling the strings. And that was the only place left to put the Camera. Wendell is not hidden. He is the puppet master.

And don't even START talking about FreeBSD or pfSense/FreeNAS appliances. To quote Wendell "It'll kick some NAS"
