Why can I only get full speed on Linux?

Ok I’ll look into it. Most likely it’s caused by a CPU bottleneck as I’m only running a 3570k and it’s starting to show it’s age.

A shitty old AMD turion can keep up with gig ethernet, i don’t think you CPU is the problem:D

For reference, here’s my current linux ethernet stats at work:

eno1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
inet6 fe80::d0bb:4b0:e55c:d1cf prefixlen 64 scopeid 0x20
ether a0:8c:fd:d2:95:20 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)
RX packets 4173397 bytes 3347381387 (3.1 GiB)
RX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 frame 0
TX packets 1170762 bytes 146833856 (140.0 MiB)
TX errors 0 dropped 0 overruns 0 carrier 0 collisions 0
device interrupt 16 memory 0xd2200000-d2220000

No overruns… this is a i7 6700, but its currently doing a fair bit…

[jethror@host ~]$ vmrun list
Total running VMs: 7

When I do speed tests in Windows I use about 50% per core. Not sure why.

I’d consider throwing the network adapter in the bin and finding one with a windows driver that isn’t trash :slight_smile:

There’s no way you should be seeing 50% per core for only gig-e.

Then again, as mentioned above, could be the tendrils of the VPN software you had installed on it that have fucked up the IP stack.

OS reinstall/cleanup first… then consider a new NIC if a clean windows install doesn’t fix it.

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Lol I can possibly look into getting as new one. It’s weird that it’s only noon local traffic I have an issue with though. Over the local network everything is rock solid.

Yeah. Most likely the VPN software. Ninja’d the post above again… :smiley:

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I’ll look into the VPN software and see if there’s an issue. If there is I’ll see about reporting it. Also I use pia if you were wondering.

Have You compared traceroutes between Linux and Windows?

Yea doesn’t show anything.

Could you provide us speedtest for both Windows and Linux, I see the Linux one a few post up, but I would like a windows speed test to confirm.

And to make sure terminology is correct here (just in case, not purely for OP, but also aids in others if they think they have a solution):
Mb = megabit
MB - megabyte
MB/s = megabytes per second
Mbps = megabits per second

To get Megabyte from megabit, you divide megabit by 8.
Example: 1000Mbps = 125MB/s

Windows tops out at 120 while Linux does full gigabit

I still would like speedtest results.

Also can you provide me a visual of your Ethernet status?

It should say 1.0 Gbps

It says gigabit. Also a visual test isn’t gonna tell you anything you can’t get from asking me. The speed is poor under Windows.

See, I not looking purely from what I am asking, there could be information in the visual that can be missed from asking.

Everything is normal and works except for the bandwidth. Under Windows my connection to the internet is slower but over my local network it’s perfectly fine. I’ve checked all my settings and nothing stands out as odd or misconfigured.

Keyword highlight in bold text.

You are asking for help because there may be something you missed.

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Maybe you can see what’s going on with wireshark.

It’s it free?


Yes, and available for Linux and Windows. Just remember to start it as admin/root