Got home from the hospital and was going to order an xfx and get a second Friday but they're out of stock... So i'll be getting two whenever they're in stock again somewhere.
Nah, i've combed through the benchmarks about 10 times over and made my choice.
Dude, wait for AIBs, they're suppose to hit higher clocks and you don't have to suffer through that horrid fan noise.
i've ordered one, should come within next days.
going to run basic tests, mount hybrid cooling - and sell out or give out for free on forums.
ps. gamernexus already started doing this same project as i plan
Just stop.
Stop posting this BS from WCCF. They were literally wrong abut everything. 480 will not be hitting over 1400Mhz. 1.6 is laughable
we'll see once aib pcbs are out.
they got their news from forums.
I might maybe wait for Sapphire.... I'm limited to 10.8 inches and shorter
Get more lube.
I don't even know what the point you're trying to make is but this is funny so you get a like.
Think he means deal with it
We saw other leaks from forums too which were very wrong.
TBH tho I just don't see it. Like a 5% OC had 480 pulling 200W. How much power would it take to get these cards to that kind of OC if 5% makes it pull 200W....I just don't see it. If it is legit it is only with good binning and damn that will probably be expensive making it less of a value.
the card is unable to pull more than 150W due to 1 six pin molex; as you may remember -
(i doubted hard it would be able oc over 1350's) to get 1400 i think you would need another six pin molex at least; then replace all components that you can can (like resistors/capacitors etc) and i'm sure it would go much higher - judging by quality of the cooling and pcb itself. This is possible to hack, but nasty.
(maybe less hack if we can provide more voltage through mobo over the std value)
That isn't true at all.....
It runs out of spec and pulls more power than it should. Multiple tests have confirmed that OCed the 480 pulls 200W. Over 100W on the PCIE slot. They are actually investigating it because it is dangerous and is out of the PCIE standard.
6 pin molex provides you
12 volts
2.083 amps
max possible wattage from it is 75W
( you can get around another 75W from slot itself - maybe on some better mobos you can get 100W)
in their tests they actually shows max of 168W which is within margin of their mobo allowing more power - more heat to the card.
He's right. there's been reports of the RX 480 pulling more power through the PCi-E Bus. it's not that dangerous of an issue on high end motherboards. your ASUS boards. your AsRock Extreme boards. or your EVGA boards.. but low end boards where for example a new user building a PC on a budget might buy, this could be a problem. and 15 or 20 watts is still a percentage that's worrisome for the end-user.
However so far the limiting factor of the RX 480's overclockability at this moment in time is the cooler (which is expected) and the 6-Pin connector. it's not enough.
yeah, but its their setting, its flawed thought that gpu goes over 200W - they are the ones pushing it - and also due to bad reference cooling - it limits their oc even more.
They'll likely to get less due to thermals, when they push more power through it.
(they should get more oc potential with less power - temp wise)
I'll test it myself once my card arrives..