Yesterday I accidently dropped my Kindle Fire HDX 7 and now the screen is broken. While I wouldn’t mind the crack trough the screen a side effect is that the touchscreen also doesn’t work anymore. Hence, I’m in need of a new tablet.
One option would be a Fire HD 8:
The problem with this tablet is twofold though: I’m used to running Android (Lineage) on my HDX and there seems to be no working Bootloader unlock method on XDA. Furthermore, this tablet has a quad core with 1.3GHz, my old HDX has a quad core with 2GHz. Even though I am aware that my tablet uses an older CPU than this newer one, my father’s HD 10 has the same (new) CPU. Which is why I ran a benchmark a while back and noticed the HDX to be faster. Also, my wife is using this HD 10 right now (since her notebook is being repaired) and she complained about the sluggishness of said tablet.
The other option would be this one:
From a hardware perspective it is better than the FIre HD 8 in every single aspect, but it costs twice as much
Hence, I’m a little torn on which one to choose…
Any suggestions?
I’m using my tablet for browsing, streaming (youtube and netflix) and reading (epub and pdf).
The Huawei MediaPad M5 (8.4) is nearly identical, in physical size, to my Galaxy Tab S 8.4 from 2014. The MediaPad M5 is slightly thinner, but otherwise you wouldn’t notice any difference at all unless you look at the camera placement on the back.
Thanks for your replies, but I’ve already chosen the Xiaomi. The reason for this is twofold:
Easy bootloader unlock and therefore LineageOS (when it’s ready)
I’ve been using my fathers HD10 for quite a while and it is abysmally slow. I mean really r-e-a-l-l-y slow…
@ghyj123: I’ve stumbled over the Huawei tablet, but it uses an older version of Android and there is no easy bootloader unlock (afaik)
@noenken: True, but maybe I enjoy being spied on! It makes me feel safe! Anyway, as mentioned above the HD10 is too slow for my taste. Also, there is no bootloader unlock, nor (as a result) LineageOS support yet.