Looking for an SSD for my new build, looking to spend around 100$ on it. It'll be used mostly just for the OS and a couple games.
I know there's a lot of different options and I'm not sure what to go for.
Looking for an SSD for my new build, looking to spend around 100$ on it. It'll be used mostly just for the OS and a couple games.
I know there's a lot of different options and I'm not sure what to go for.
Kingston HyperX 3K, Samsung 830 (if you can find one), Plextor M5 (the new version) and the Crucial M4 are all good choices for that price range and size.
I got my Samsung 840 for $100. Its been good and has a great read time. If you can find a HyperX 3k or OCZ Vertex 4 cheap then I would rather go for them. For now the Samsung SSD's have got a better GB/$ ratio.
Alright, thanks guys. Will buy the first one that goes on sale!