I have a Dark Rock Pro 3 and Hero motherboard, so I need low profile RAM. I care more about low latency than high clock speeds. I'm looking for memory I can hopefully buy fron NCIX so I can pick it up at the store and they also match any online price as opposed to something like Newegg that I would have to pay to have the RAM mailed to me.
I'm trying to decide between something like Corsair, Kingston Blu Black, if G.Skill Ares is worth a try or should I get something else?
Corsair http://products.ncix.com/detail/corsair-vengeance-cml8gx3m2a1600c9-lowprofile-8gb-41-61961.htm
Kingston http://products.ncix.com/detail/kingston-hyperx-blu-black-series-36-78421-1230.htm
G.Skill http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820231548
Crucial http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820148656
NCIX does not carry everything Newegg.ca has and I'm not sure Newegg does not match prices for everything, so which should I get? Is it worth the extra money from Newegg and mailing cost instead of buying something locally from NCIX?