Which Chromium based browser do you use?

A recent thread here in the forum discussed how good FF is. So about a week ago I switch to FF on both my PC and phone. I am not sure where to begin. Peformance is pretty bad, the browser lags and eats a lot of battery. Sites break and do not work properly. Tracking and stuff is on by default and even google is now the default browser on android which actually shocked me a little. Also the URL bar kinda sucks, doesn’t auto select correct entries etc.

So what browser do you people use these days? I have used Brave the latest years and have generally been happy except for all the crypto ads they spam you about.

For a long time I used FireFox. I had dabbled with Brave, but it was very slow to open/run, but once going it was okay.

I started again with brave about 6? Months ago, and now it is my daily on mobile and desktop.

I consistently use Chromium on desktop for Google sites (YouTube, gmail etc) and it works really really well, no problems.

And this is on Linux+Apple mobile, which traditionally seem to get the least love

I dont use Chrome. Also Google has made it clear that they dont want anyone using Chrome-based browser over on Linux.

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Brave. The only crypto ads I see are on the home tab, and I generally don’t even look at them.

I use multiple browsers for various purposes. Chromium is my Chromium-based browser for seeing the internet as web designers intended, rather than the internet that works well.

I use brave

Vivaldi, I was in and out since the beta stages, but since 2019 I haven’t switched to any other browsers.

Brave browser is my primary, across all platforms (Windows & Linux PCs as well as Android phones and tablets), but I also use M$ Edge Chromium and it is quite good as long as you are performing some type of network level DNS blacklisting to keep the ads under control. Brave handles this browsing, tracking and fingerprint protection out of the box. I have FireFox running on my Jumpbox for specific situations, but then again I also have Palemoon browser there as well for managing my old servers that still require Flash to run the interface. Oof.

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I used purely Firefox until they banned Dissenter.

Now it’s Brave. I really like that they have you choose a search engine in the beginning, not just default to Google, I like the BAT system, and I like that they just have a 24-randomized-word passphrase so that you don’t have to tie an email account to it in order to sync your stuff.

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On phone there is Bromite and on desktop I use ungoogled chromium.

I compile my own set of policies into an installable pacman package to make it even more user friendly.

Just regular old chrome on desktop for me. Yeah yeah I know, goodle man bad, I might change eventually but it would have to be such a catastrophic change in how it works now for me to bother. I tried Vivaldi a could of years ago and at the time it was just a bit too odd, j can’t remember how but I did not like it.

On mobile, do they all use the base android web renderer thing?, but it is Naked Browser, very simple and fast, never has problems with any page I visit because it does for sure use the same back end as android chrome.

Eh… No, no it didn’t, someone posted asking why we don’t all throw money at them (off topic: I am suspecting it was some one affiliated with Mozilla more and more now) and everyone responded with variations on, its not good any more.

Every problem you outline with it was all the points made against it. So that sounds about in line with what came up. Interesting you note tracking is on, did Mozilla not make a big song and dance about how they were disabling stuff like that by default? Or was that just cookies and such?

The using Google search is not surprising at all, Goolge pay Mozilla a wedge or cash every year to keep it as the default and Mozilla accept because, well their browser is crap and people don’t want to use it leading to less money so more reliance on the Google bucks.

Sorry back on topic.

I might try Brave eventually? Maybe, not sure how their advertising thing works, watch ad, get funny bucks, ???, profit? Was there something about being able to choose who your monopoly money goes to? Or is that just a “choose to watch ad on X channels YouTube video, money goes to them” type deal?

Other than that I find ads so completely irrelevant to my interests that I do not even entertain their idea any more. Car insurance for women, I don’t have a car or am a woman… Life insurance for over 65s… Eh… Okay. Browsing for computer parts, how about ads for renting colocation space, I just wanted an SSD. Oh oh edit: I forgot one, all the ads that are only applicable in the US, because you know nowhere else on the planet exists… F’in WOO! Ad companies are so incredibly out of touch that unless they directly benefit either me or the people its getting in the way of me enjoying I will not have them.

Not sure what you mean with Brave. Its just that everytime I open a new time the background image is about some crypto wallet stuff that I don’t care about. I have turned it off several times but seems to come back anyway.

Care to elaborate on that? This is the first I’ve heard of it.

Their advertising idea originally, this is just from memory so might be wrong, was that to encourage you to watch ads they would give you some of their own cryptocurrency which you could then “spend” on websites you felt were deserving and they would then on their side pay out the advertiser share to that site. So you could choose where you wanted ads as it was a reward for “good sites”. Not sure if it is still that way, I could be way out of date now.

@Donk they were revoking chromium API access, I forget why but it caused a bit of outrage, limiting features to just the Google Chrome version and not the open source non Google chromium.

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I see, its this Brave Rewards thing? I believe I have disabled it and I use ublock origin so I don’t see any ads anyway…

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I just tried it, seems pretty barebones but I guess that is the point. :stuck_out_tongue:

Might very well become my backup browser though.

I use plain old chromium. I probably won’t change unless my experience gets bad enough or another browser gets slick enough.

Edge Chromium. Using it for work and it has all the knicknacks I need. If it had containers like Firefox then I would use it personally too.

I really like Edge UWP, but one can’t overlook the problems the browser had. If they would have fixed it…

I switched to Firefox Developer edition after Google Chrome stopped supporting multi-window startups. That was like 6 years ago. I had to use some Chromium browser for certain things, I used Opera and then later switched to Opera GX. But I rarely use it.