I'm trying out some adobe stuff but I'm not sure exactly what to do all the time. I am learning the video tools but the tool tips / "tutorial" that comes with premier isn't always straight forward. Is there a good resource for me to reference as like a quick guide online? Maybe a source someone here used when they learned CC?
Hey @FaunCB , Your topic is for Adobe CC, but are you mostly going to use Premier instead? I will say that the hardest thing to get your head wrapped around at first is the terminology of the program. What are you trying to achieve ?
New Horizon Computer Learning Center is where I learned and was certified in Adobe. Once you take the classroom course it un-locks access to the online classes. I was able to get the state to fund my tuition. I took the whole graphic design program, but the 1 day long courses are available a-la-carte.
Sorry I'll clarify a bit better ^^ I was really tired last night. For now I am learning premier, however I will be learning the rest of the tools as I get to them.