Where To Download a Virtual Keyboard Custom Buttons on Screen

Does anyone know of a reliable link to this problem?

For what OS? Android has plenty, iOS has a few. Not sure about Windows.

Yes I would need them for windows Tablet like the surface pro

windows 7 it is in the accessories folder inside the sub folder system tools and the program is called character map.
you might have to search for it on the surface pro as i dont know where that folder is located for that os.

I don't think you get what im trying to explain here..

The Virtual keyboard I want is a custom user interface of buttons place-able besides your working adobe Photoshop window so you can easily do macros.. like undo and copy paste...

I saw some but I heard they had some malware so i wanted to get and expert opinion...

ah sorry i don't know of any off the top of my head. i just used my logitech g13 or my nanga keys and mapped them using the software.