Where my fellow Zoomers at?

So I don’t belong here I know. Wendel, Ryan, and Krista talk about Gen Z on the L1 show all the time, and I find their viewpoints quite interesting and not always disagreeable. But one thing that’s always been clear is that Gen Z aren’t 90s kids, even those of us born in the 90s. What sucks now, though, is that apparently we don’t belong to Gen Z anymore. Memes about 1999 kids being old are all over the internet.


Here’s another one.

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Try being on the intersection of GenX and the Millenials.


You mean Gen X exists?

I thought you guys were just a myth told to us by our grandparents.

Oh wait, you guys are our parents.

I forget parents exist too, if it’s any consolation.

I’m not going to lie, this one got me. :rofl:

I’m a Zillenial, so I find all of this generational rivalry so strange.
But then my parents are Jonesers, so they have it even worse than I do.
They’re not even boomers, but people automatically assume that they are, and must be technologically illiterate. :stuck_out_tongue:

I also have no idea what’s going on with the music that younger zoomers are listening to or are making. :confused:
It seemed like “bad” music a few years ago was atonal stuff like Dubstep. But now it’s some kind of strange pitched-up autotune nonsense that sounds like people singing through a straw.

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1999 kids aren’t exactly old… but they’re mid 20s at this point so not really kids anymore.

What you wrote was perfectly intelligible, so I’m calling out your zoomer credentials.


A lot of us have like mini midlife crises rn. Various reasons exist for this, but they all revolve around not having their career figured out and not being married.

For me, I have my career “figured out”, per say, but I don’t have like any job security. Obviously, I want to be in tech. It has been a natural choice for me since like 10th grade of high school. I still haven’t graduated college yet though. I was supposed to be class of 2022. I have a career-oriented job though, but it feels tenuous at best simply because I don’t have my degree despite being like 3 classes away. But my workload at work keeps increasing, too. I am not in any danger of not getting my degree, but I keep having to push my graduation date back. It also doesn’t help that I am a second year senior by credits alone. If I counted credits I have earned that no longer matter, I am probably a third year senior. Colleges should no longer be allowed to call themselves 4-year universities.

My other issue is that everyone else around me is getting married, while I haven’t even had a girlfriend since like middle school. And no it’s not a social media issue. I have never been that active on social media, until recently. It does make me feel better that a lot of other 25-year-olds are actually experiencing the same problem, some of them have also never dated as a young adult. So in this case, social media has actually improved my mental health. I have for the longest time been so focused on my career and getting through school. For me, I have not had supportive parents since my last semester of high school, and their support durning my high school years was lackluster as well.

I am 5 years away from 30, and the last 4 years have felt like only two years. I feel like time after 2020 has accelerated faster for me than it otherwise would have if the Thing had not been a thing. (I know it’s not YT and so censorship is not a concern, but I still wanted to say it like that. It’s kinda like calling Voldemort “You-Know-Who”.)

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20 year olds would have had to deal with the horrible Michelle O’Bama lunches as well too, because they were like 8th graders when we were seniors, so eh. I think he just wanted to complain about them. They truly were the worst because when he left office in 2016, school lunches instantly got better, but nothing else changed (specifically, no one got any fatter).

I do remember the moment in 2022 when I realized that the 9th graders from my senior year were the seniors at my high school. I was like, oh wow. High school graduation felt distant while not actually being distant.


did you guys get to have milk bags at lunch?

You’re 25. It’s OK to not have career figured out 100%. It’s OK not to be married. I won’t make this a huge advice post, but just try to just keep learning/improving and have a good time along the way, things tend to fall into place if you’re doing that. If you’re stressed about still being in college, then enroll in the last few classes that will get you out ASAP.

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I’ve never quite understood the classification/categorization. Myself, I’m a Boomer, more specifically a Joneser, by which nomer I resorted to in my blog here. As far as I’m concerned anyone born at the turn of the Millennium up to 2010 ought to be considered a Millenial. The nomenclature is out to lunch.

I would concede that if you can remember Woodstock you can safely be called a Boomer; but even that category is so broad they had to subdivide it. Perhaps Zoomers should exchange their title with the Millennials as what is called a Millennial today Zoomed toward the new millennium faster than you can say 911.

Apart from the stereotyping I have a 16 year old daughter who is obsessed with the 50’s and wants to be a software engineer. Even though she is technically a Zoomer she considers herself a Millennial and I’m inclined to agree with her given her personality and mind set.

The time line is a bit vague as I’ve seen others that differ from the one I presented here. To make matters even more confusing I have a 12 year old who is supposed to be considered a Zoomer and that girl wants to be a mechanical engineer. My advice: Roll with what fits and ignore the nonsense.


I’m already enrolled in 2/3 of my last classes. I can’t enroll in the last class yet.

I am comfortable being called Gen Z. I wasn’t really making the post because I wished to be a Millenial. I have some things in common with the younger millenials, sure, but that doesn’t mean that I am a millenial. The cutoff is arbitrary, but it exists because not having that cutoff would mean that generations do not exist because we’d all be the same generation. Your daughters may feel more like millenials, but they are not. They grew up in social circles as Gen Z. They’re most likely going to have relationships with other Gen Z people. If they were older, perhaps 1997-2000, that’s maybe less true, but it’s still true nonetheless. I have quite a few millenial friends. Zoomer is a play-on word of Gen Z and Boomer because of the “Ok Boomer” trend started by Gen Z in like 2019. Heck, I think it was even driven more by the older Zoomers more so than the younger ones.

Also, everything I see starts Gen Z at 1997 and ends it at 2012.

I agree with you @CHESSTUR the nomenclature is out to lunch. I bet your two young daughter’s think there respetive generation have grown two heads.

Gen Z here and i feel many of us do not fit into any nice convenient little categories but that is probably true for everyone of all ages! Interests vary, age is not always equated to life experience and i feel my significant life experience which is (thankfully) not the norm has pushed me in directions outside the mean

in the end what i tell my friends and has been told to me is just do what makes you happy and it doesn’t matter, and if some significantly older person tries to tell you otherwise, well maybe they’ve forgotten their youth or they just feel uncomfortable because they can’t relate, and that’s not something that is not able be sorted out it just takes patience :innocent: but… The older generations, while they might not be able to relate to modern culture, they do have valuable experience about other things.

I do a bunch of volunteer stuff, don’t talk about it much because imo true charity is supposed to come without praise, you do it for the love of helping people. I take veterans out on (horse) trail rides as part of their therapy…to help because it does work.

My third one is reading for and keeping company some older people at a retirement/nursing home. Most of them couldn’t download an app or connect Bluetooth headphones to save their lives but the wisdom and experience they have in other things is invaluable, especially about food preservation. I’ve learned a lot both from the older women and the men and their life anecdotes are precious…and they appreciate mine too!

And in the same way, don’t always be so quick to dismiss someone because they are young. Context matters…they may have lived a lot more of life than you expect. We are all in this beautiful, sometimes sad, sometimes terrifying journey of life together…lets help each other!


@CodeDragon57 you are not a failure, just because aren’t married yet and don’t have life figured out yet. Just remember how much better off you are compared to me. I am turning 60 this year, i have never been married, my work skills are unmarkable, i wasted the first half of my lifespand, but there is still time for me to turn myself around.