When you haven't cleaned your keyboard since 2019 💀💀💀 (NSFW)

I decided to lightly use white vinegar with my USB port cleaning kit because I spotted some rust spots eating through the paint, hopefully that’ll be slowed down for the time being. The towels are for the initial air dusting with compressed air to get the bulk debris off the board

I’ve had this since 2016, it was my first ever mechanical keyboard I bought with money I made off my first website programming gig for a Dental lab back when I was 18. It’s also survived the complete move in to my new off-grid work studio that is half finished.

With the USB to PS/2 adapter it came with, I’ve never felt the need to replace it with full in-key rollover and repeat rate options built in to the board; and cherry MX greens have seriously grown on me to the point where I’d only ever consider switching to buckling springs on an IBM

I’ll post a finished pic here as I put the keys back together :coffee::yum::ok_hand:t2:

Also don’t mind the mess lmao, I haven’t built my cupboards in my studio yet so shit is everywhere :sweat_smile:


Cleaning the keycaps one by one as I reinstall them with a microfiber queue tip soaked in white vinegar (including the labels) my hands are killing me lol. So worth it though

Final update:

I’ve cleaned every keycap. Label, all sides, top, and the underside and reinstalled them. My hands have been recovering from the overuse but I look forward to gaming with this… Just about to hop on Battlefront 2 heroes vs villains :robot::+1:t2:


I’m buying an ultrasonic cleaner next time I clean mine. There’re small cheap ones on amazexpress . (e.g. $50 ish)


It cannot be THAT ba- sees keyless keyboard image
[Coffee went down wrong tube]… I think, I need to laydown


When I clean my keyboard, I simply remove all of the keycaps and tap my keyboard on the bum bum. Removes most of the dirt and is quick.

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What’s this cleaning you speak of?


I would have a very dirty bum bum if I did that with my keyboard

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It had to be done. My keyboard would have died a sticky-key death if I didn’t hasten the cleaning

These pictures make me feel a lot better about my old keyboard, and I need a bucket now.

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Was expecting something like this


Also if you eat at your pc. I’ve got keyboards I’ve had since 2012 that are way cleaner than that. :joy:

Your point being? Its actually mostly hemp wick and weed trimmings-- and beard hair-- if you were wondering. A good 2 years worth of it. The only thing I consume near my keyboard is coffee

I cleaned my last one by putting it in the trash, and buying a new… Well, it was actually an upgrade from non-mechanical to mechanical.

It’s the Expensive kind of disposable keyboard… like the plates made of China Don’t Have to be washed and reused…

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It was a 2 year old supermarket keyboard, total cost for a set is about 25€, mouse, keyboard and headphones. It works till it doesn’t, and in this case it was the rubber thingy’s that broke, ‘E’ seems to be the most used symbol apparently It was only that one that had broke. haha

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I try to fix things these days if at all possible for the learning experience and also because the USD is inflated as all hell. Nothing seems worth its price.