What's up! I’m searching for an on-off Molex power switch

Haven’t been on here in a while, hope everybody’s doing good.

I’m searching for an on-off switch Molex power for lighting. Is there such a thing? For example my PSU will run from the normal cable to the switch and then from the switch to the UV lighting. I want to have the ability to turn it on and off so that I can do RGB stuff or whatever.

Looking on eBay I don’t see anything yet

you’d just need a latching switch, solder or clamp it between the positive voltage the lighting uses on a molex extension cable. open = off, closed = on

they also sell these commecrially:

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Nice, I guess if I have four 15 inch UV lights, I’ll have to get maybe one of these and then like some adapters for all four

make sure you check the wire guage of the splitter, molex = housefire if you overcurrent it


Very good advice. So perhaps splitting them down to one is not a good idea

depending on the wattage of the cfls, you may not even want to run them on the same rail

They are led strips, I got these https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F231172813376

when we start talking about voltages and things like that I am kind of a noob, I’d have to read about this.

It says 12v

oh, you said UV so i assumed you were using CFL bars or EL wire. LED strips should be fine.

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Sweet, can you recommend an adapter that could fit all four down to one?

I don’t really have any expertise with case lighting, I hate gamer aesthetics. I’d say just look for ones that are end terminated and use multi-conductor, thick guage wiring

Right on I’m contacting the seller that sent me these and I think he’s going to make something but I appreciate your help

no reason this shouldn’t work

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I changed the topic title, so it’s a bit more descriptive.


Nice find man

the perks of using self-hosted metasearch

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