I just setup Manjaro on my laptop because im sick of Microsoft and Windows 10.
The problem im having my laptop i have a Gigabit and a 2.5Gigabit USB network adaptor connected to my laptop. They are plugged into a Gigabit and 10Gigabit port That can do 2.5g on my switch.
When i transfer files between my Truenas and my laptop i only get about 60mbps but when i did the same thing on windows i was able to get the full gigabit/2.5gigabit speeds out of the adaptors.
I am using Dolphin and currently my laptop connects using SMB.
Is the problem Dolphine, SMB or a combo of both?
The NAS has 10gig ports and i have easily being able to hit those speeds on windows but now cant on Manjaro.
Im also new to Manjaro and Linux in general so it could b user error too i guess.
Its just 1 video file i have being transferring back and forth, i even restarted my laptop just incase something was being weird.
1 video file about 1.7gb.
I also tryed just having 1 adaptor incase that was confusing Manjaro or the switch in some way and still cant get faster speeds.
I will have to get back to you the 2.5gig network adaptors being annoying and connecting and disconnecting so i need to check on my desktop the adaptors not dead or shit its self.
Could also be an SMB Multichannel issue I guess?
I’m fairly certain that’s enabled by default on Windows for ages, but on Linux I’m not sure how samba handles it by default or how Manjaro has chosen to configure it.