What would you like to see in the future of CPUs?


Hello, teksyndicators.

In this thread, we shall discuss what we would like to see in the future of CPUs.

Let me start with a few:

  • I want both Intel and AMD, to take a GPU-a-like approach. We are getting closer to a multi-core era, and for it to function to it fullest, we need to use s shared scheduler on multiple cores. This can assure that more cores will be working without needing to code for it.

  • I want AMD to drop their cluster-core(module) architecture, as they do not have the foundations to fix it.

  • I want AMD to continue with HSA, and the HSA approach. I'm sure Intel wont be buying themself into the HSA foundations, and will make their 'version'. It doesn't really matter just the whole concept of having the IGP to work, can speed up alot of processes.

  • I want Intel to not link 3 EUs to 1 port(multiple times).

So what would you like to see in the future of CPUs, please be reasonable and keep it civil, lads.



I want a quantum processor so we can exploit quantum parallelism to solve incomprehensibly complex problems in a finite period of time.

I want AMD to continue with their jaguar-architecture, as it is a far more solid and balanced architecture compared to bulldozer and it successors.

I would be interested in IBM bringing back consumer-use POWER processors, or some other high-end RISC architecture.

It is fairly unlikely that would work, since x86 is so entrenched..

Guys this is necroed another thread.. ughs :P

Good post but come on guys