What would it take for you to buy a Wiiu?

I'm compiling a bunch of information on how people feel about the wii u,

I don't work for Nintendo, nor do I own a wii u,

I plan on making an open letter to Nintendo about how we feel, and what we feel would make the wii u more successful.


What led me to make this was this article:


It's about Miyamoto says that we should give the wii u a chance, and how people felt the same way about the Nintendo DS when it first came out.


So I just wanted to know how you guys feel about the wii u, and what would it take to get you to buy one?



1.Do not post "better graphics" or "better game", be more detailed than that.

2.If you do not wish to be credited in my upcoming video, then state that you would like to remain anonymous.

3.If you post a reply, and you do not Specifically say that you do not want to be quoted,

then I may quote you in this video

4. I am not being paid to do this study; I am making it for myself, in the (unlikely) hopes that someone at Nintendo may see it. The only money that may be made are from youtube ads*


*Subject to change, but that’s the plan for now.

In my option, I think they need a 'Trophy game'
A new title that's a first party game, that uses the gampad, but dose not fore it on you.
Something aesthetically pleasing, so it would look really nice, without using up too much of the consoles power, basically a first party title that nintendo can show off, something that says we can make games that aren't another zelda/mario/kirby game 

Not that their's anything wrong with their other first party titles, I love a good zelda or mario game, but they need to think about the other people, the people who no longer play zelda, and when they walk into a store (lol buying games in psychical stores..) and they see "Zelda: the lost amulet" or a similar title, they may just dismiss it as 'just another zelda game' and no mater what Nintendo adds  when some people see those Nintendo characters, they  may think, 'it's a kids game', or 'it's like all the others' I think they need a new franchise, something that will turn heads,
Something that will make people think 'I wonder what that games about?'

The look of the game would be very important too, just making annotate plat-former, or another action adventure game,
would not be enough, it would have to be something, where from one look at any part of the game, a bystander would notice that it's different, and say “hey, what game is that” from just that one question, the player could show off the game's core content and then the game is truly introduced. If someone was to see footage form a new zelda game, from one look, they'd see link,
a very recognizable character, and from there, they may form an opinion of the game, if their a zelda fan, they may watch for a bit.
If they've grown tired of zelda games, then they may just ignore the rest of the games altogether.

Once Nintendo is able to show they can do something different, then they may be able to bring people back to their consoles,
and from there maybe get people to come back to playing their core games, such as zelda/mario/kirby.

Just my thoughts, Post your ideas or comment on mine below! 

The reason why the wiiu isn't successful is simple, there weren't any good release titles and there is a lack of good games coming out on the system. Nintendo should have organised a steady release of quality games for the system and they failed to do so, and now there is no reason to buy the system.

They are in the same boat as Sony and the ps vita now and it's their fault, nobody bought the system because the release lineup was shit, and now nobody wants to make games for the system because nobody owns it. The only way to get the system back on track is for Nintendo to invest in making new interesting games for the system, and maybe get some game engines like unity onto the system.

"In my option...."

Best. Wall of Text Starter. Ever.

Intresing Idea,
yeah if they got unity up and running, and maybe had a indie game spotlight on their eshop, that might encorage more devlopers to make games for their console.

There are a few reasons I have not picked up a WiiU yet, I plan to buy one eventually.

First off I want traditional controls in my games, the motion controls introduced by the Wii were fun for the first few minutes but quickly became a burden to the player and produced many shovel ware games from developers.

Next right now there are no must own games for the console.  Once a new Legend of Zelda is released I will buy a WiiU.

Third I am hoping there will a limited edition console once a new Legend of Zelda is released.

Currently the only game I want is New Super Mario Bros. U, but for $300 for the console and another $60 for the game I could upgrade the video card in my PC and get a few free games. Currently I could purchase a Sapphire 7970 for $330 and it comes with a free copy of Crysis 3 and Bioshock Infinite and then with the left over $30 I could buy another game from Steam.

Nintendo for me is just a fading memory of how we used to play games. Even the Wii to me was niche of a niche in the market for the people who did enjoy it for a long time. I had my weekends in front of wii golf with friends. Just like everything it had its day in the sun. And now its time to die out. Consoles in general to me are getting less and less used. Less and less are being sold as the generations go on.

While this is a reality I see it kinda sucks somewhat too. I don't want to see a company fail that makes good entertainment for the people that enjoy it and not to mention all those poeple out of a job who makes those games.

So going forward even if time and money were no object for me I still would not buy a Wii U. I have a 'steam box' PC set up in my living room and another desktop PC which keeps me mostly covered and a PS3 for the odd time I want to play console. I'm also 35 this summer and to me Nintendo makes kids products thats the other reason why Its a fading memory for me cause I grew up on NES and SNES during the 80's pretty much up untill the first playstation came out. Funny thing is I still love and play those games on an emulator on my phone.

We can see a trend starting that even console are looking more and more like plastic coated PCs in terms of the guts inside. So PC is the future. I don't want several boxes in my entertainment stand I want a sound system, TV, and computer case. Nothing more nothing less.

I actully liked the orignal wii but I'm not gonna buy a wii u maybe a regular wii for the fitness games lol

Nintendo games have been painfully stale for me.  I feel like the Wii gets judged on a different scale than other systems, the gameplay is often very rudimentary and the games often lack decent voice acting (or any at all) and the sound on Wii games is terrible.  Never mind the terrible graphics.  The only games I've found with a decent story are The Last Story and Xenoblade Chronicles.  Both play better on my PC using Dolphin.  I was very excited for The Skyward Sword and Other M.  Skyward Sword disappointed me with terrible controls, awful graphics and a gawdawful boring story.  Other M had one of the clumsiest control schemes ever, to the point where it was a chore to play.

For me to be interested in the Wii U, it would actually have to wow me.  I bought a Wii and it remained un-hacked for 2 hours.  Because that's how far the Future Shop was from my house. We had a good time with Super Mario Bros because it was fun.  I've played the Wii U version and it's just a rehash.  Unlike the Wii, Nintendo will have to develop games that actually use the controls intuitively and not feel shoehorned in.  A decent online platform.  I don't go online on my consoles very often, but doing anything on the Wii is the biggest pain in the ass.  I think it's shitty of Nintendo to cheap out and not pay for the DVD licensing.  

I have to stop here because I'm realizing I'm not making much sense.  I'm just writing a list about why I don't like Nintendo games anymore.  If anyone wants me I'll be playing Thundercade on my NES... 

i'd like a wiimote or a wiiU-controller for my computer, can nintendo make that ? i don't see the point of buying another computer that is locked up by nintendo as well as allot less powerfull than the one i already have. If Nintenedo would make funky gear & games & sell them on steam or just as regular PC equipmant & games, i would buy it.

But the super closed environment thing they are doing, sorry that's the way of the past... & i don't live there anymore.

I bet Gabe would welcome nintendo on steam

Games just games....Where the hell are the games nintendo?


i think nintendo should make a new Eternal Darkness since it a survival horror game that was publish by them and push the borter and make more new games but whit a new mascot instaid of mario trie and bring back some of the older classic game that they publish and also they should save rare from microsoft since microsoft has only torture rare well nintendo should buy rare rareware only made good games when they where whit nintendo so i think nintendo should realy buy rareware

I'm hoping Monolith Soft's game is going to be just that. Check out Project X's trailer.


For me I would buy a Wii U if it had the following

1) more games and/or a solid 6 month road map with atleast 20+ titles, at this point its nintendo who is letting down the Wii U by not getting out there and show us whats coming and where they see the Wii U in 6 months time

2) More space, 32gb is nothing in 2013, I have a 16gb flash drive on my keys, so I'm sure that could atleast get it to over 100gb if they wanted

3) a strong media platform, I like the idea of the tablet and that you can use it without a tv, that would be great if I could watch movies on it from my NAS

what would make me work extra or get a second job to buy one, games

  1. 3D mario game like sunshine
  2. Paper Mario
  3. Zelda
  4. metroid not developed by team ninja
  5. smash bros
  6. metal gear solid
  7. Sprite based mario 2D game, I'll explain below
  8. Megaman (yeah likely)


the camera and just the depth of 3D just doesn't sit well with me for the side scrolling games, yeah call me old fashioned for liking sprites better and yeah its a bit rediculous to ask for sprite with the WiiU's hardware but that's just how I like it

oh and I almost forgot Donkey Kong Country or another game like DK64

An i the only one that likes the Wiiu? To me its a break from the constant argument about specs and graphics. I do agree that it needs more games, and some firmware updates. Still feels like its in beta. The wiiu and the orginal wii were the only consoles that still had a family gathering attitude feel to it. 

Youre not the only one that likes the WiiU nerdhelpdesk, my older brother bought one for his kids (himself really) and I'm pretty sure I'll buy one for myself around Xmas but the simple fact is specs and graphics are very important, gaming is a visual medium and the WiiU is obviously the runt of the litter in terms of specs and this will be an issue, if that's Nintendos problem or Sony and Microsofts problem remains to be seen.

If Nintendo sells enough units that publishers, I'm looking at you EA and all other big publishers, will have to throw their support behind it or they will be commiting seppuku by not supporting the WiiU. This could mean games are developed with the WiiU as the lowest common denominator (if the WiiU runs it then the Xone and PS4 will run it without any issues) meaning Sony for the second time will have thrown money behind overkill tech and Microsoft will have joined them. Meaning Nintendo comes out on top with cheap(er) hardware costs and unique features that the other consoles don't have (yet)

It isnt a clear cut divide like the Wii was to the 360 / PS3, the Wii just didn't have the capabilities to render scenes like the 360 / PS3 could but the WiiU has a similar (but much slower) gpu to whats in the PS4 and Xone that can still handle the same tasks as the Xone and PS4 can, just at a bigger fps penalty. Think of it like a mid to low range gpu for a PC, your games can still run on it but you have to drop some settings and maybe one or two features to get a playable framerate but you essentially get the same gameplay experiance.


Nintendo for me has just become like a hit of nostalgia (imagine being able to take pills to feel nostalgia).

I'm just ignoring their newer consoles, from the wii onwards, but i don't have a problem with how they are handling their handhelds (no pun intended) to be perfectly honest.

All Nintendo is right now is gimmicks and nostalgia. The problem isn't necessarily the game pad, although that can be considered a flaw. Gamers need a controller that's going to have nice ergonomics, and you're just not going to get that with a giant tablet with joysticks on it. They can still have the game pad, but make it an add on instead of the default controller. 

Other than that, Nintendo isn't bringing anything new to the table. This makes things like the game pad and motion control look like gimmicks because they're pretty much the only thing they can advertise. They constantly churn out different iterations of the same games over and over again. This gives gamers no reason to buy a new product when every new game is virtually the same as the last one. We're on Mario Kart 8 for God's sake and I'd still rather just play Mario kart 64. If they want to keep bringing back the classic games, then that's fine, but they also need to bring some new games with completely different concepts and stories to the table. There's no point in buying a new console if they're just re releasing all of the old games again, and it makes Nintendo look lazy and apathetic. 

Also, Nintendo used to come out with the latest and greatest hardware every console generation. This is no longer the case though. Both the ps4 and xbox one will easily overpower the wii u. Nintendo's graphical capabilities are just a joke in comparison right now. 

To summarize, Nintendo needs to focus on ergonomic controllers that gamers actually want to use instead of focusing on gimmicks like game pads;motion control; and constantly trying to make the console smaller every generation, they need to court more game developers so they can get some original games on their platform instead of regurgitating the same games over and over, and they need to compete on a hardware level in order to do all of that. Also, Nintendo can have their family friendly games, but they need to bring hard core gamers to the table as well. Nintendo had some of the best games when they were open to publishing games like goldeneye, perfect dark, and conker's bad fur day. Now they simply shun games like this in order to provide an even more family friendly experience than Disney can provide. That's a huge mistake, and it's a huge sector of the market they're simply giving up on. 

If Nintendo doesn't fix these things then they're going to go the same route that Sega did. At this point, I really wouldn't mind if Sony bought up the rights to zelda and metroid just so we could actually play them with a controller that doesn't suck and with stunning visuals rather than mediocre graphics. 

If I remember correctly, the wii u is using something similar to a radeon hd 4870, while the ps4 and xbox one are going to have similar performance to a radeon hd 7850. That's a huge disparity in performance.