What to do with mining cards

I have a handful of rx 5700 xt and rx 6600, and some 590s left over from when I used to heat an addition to my house with ethereum.

My main PC is an ryzen 7 3800x with an rx 5700xt. My 4U server is an i9-10850k.

What can I, or what would you do with these cards? Should I try vfio and scrap the dual boot? Llama doesn’t seem like it would benefit from multiple cards (but I’ve only browsed documentation). My day job is basic code/app administration stuff. My weekend gigs are mostly playing with IT.

So I guess I’m curious if there’s much use left for these cards, as the prices on eBay really aren’t all that much.

The only thing I could think of was vfio, hashcat, or maybe something with (small) llam. Or eBay…

mining is still a thing also. ETC is borderline profitable depending on electricity cost and it looks like crypto will be climbing this year. as well as a number of other smaller coins are doing well and can be GPU mined.

otherwise yeah, any of those, or build some mid-grade gaming computers for the neighborhood kids?

0.16 cents per kWh for me. And the cooler weather is over, so probably won’t be mining unless it was worth the heat.

I reckon maybe it’s time to try to run a windows VM on a separate monitor.

I gladly accept any and all donations :laughing: