What to do with Bitcoin?[Solved]

So my wife just got me 100 bucks worth of Etherum with Coinbase for father’s day and now I’m not sure what to do with it, any suggestions?


Hold onto it, ETH will probably crash in the next 6 month's to a year, wait until then and move to BTC when it gets higher. May go up to 600/ETH at the max.

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this is a necro, you might want to read the rules and by the way you can also send a personal message to the guy.

I just transfered 800 worth of ZEC to BTC. Will be transferring to a lending account and see if I can make a little bit of money. Just have to wait 8000 years for the BTC transaction to go through.

I have been looking at coding a simple auto trader as well. Maybe make some extra beer money or something.