I am in college for computer science and am getting very board with classes they are moving really slow, what should I work on Learning outside of school, The Classes and certifications I have gotten or are ready to take the exam for are so far are CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, Java, HTML, CSS, C++ and visual basic.
I am not great at any programming language just syntax and what i done in class with it. Is it worth it to get really good at a programming language and just dump time or is there more producing things to learn?
I want to go into software development. What should i work on learning, I Like computer science in general and enjoy learning I was thinking about looking into network security and ethical hacking, but have no idea id they would prove to be useful later on or would be a waste of time.
Any ideas or help is welcome I may just be over thinking it and ever decision i make is possible a good one. The paradox of choice issue.
If you want to go into software development there’s no way around getting good in a programming language. Go find yourself a problem and write a program that solves it.
There’s also websites with collections of programming assignments like https://projecteuler.net/ and several other posts on the forums where people have posted resources to get started.
Also don’t worry too much about which language you work in. Most concepts are shared between languages, making it easy to switch between them later on.
Will look into this, have had problems find problems to solve, I need to do this or start reinventing the wheel.
I was thinking about using mostly either java or C++ those are what i am most conformable with. I think those are both pretty generic and should transfer well into other correct?
C++ is unsuited for most tasks because it is too low level. You’ll spend more time hunting memory errors than doing useful work, so I wouldn’t pick it as primary programming language (unless you want to get into low-level programming specifically). I do however recommend to take a look into it, because Java won’t teach you shit about computers. Since you already know C++ that shouldn’t be an issue in your case though.
Java is pretty standard; C++ is superficially, but turns into an extremely complex beast once you dig deeper.
You’ve missed out on a major part then. If you want to get into C++’ memory management make sure to pick a larger project, as the smaller ones often don’t even require you to deal with heap allocation.