What power connectors do i need to have hooked up to the motherboard?

My pc

I recently completed my first pc build. I put everything together. Pretty much no problem except when i droped the heatsink on my motherboard(which didnt seem to do any damage.). But i went to see if it would post and install windows 7. It looks like everything is working fine but no image on the screen. Oh i was getting a code 00  So i look around and i have the 24 pin motherboard connector hooked up but no 8-pin cpu power which is behind my heatsink so i unhook that and plug in an 8-pin as well as the 20+4 pin to the motherboard. Is that correct? Everything seems to be running fine now.

you need the 8 pin and the 24pin to power the motherboard and chip 

Ok thats what i thought. I just wanted to be sure.