What music player is everybody using now days?

On Linux w/o wine plz.

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I'm sure you could get this running

AIMP does the job. I first tried it out when I found out that it has a LastFM plugin. Does the job.

Except when gaming. In that case: Billy music player is perfect. I've been using it since forever. It's one of those things you can't just stumble upon online... A weirdo friend recommended it to me a really long time ago and I've been using it ever since.

edit: oh bugger, I've just noticed this is the Linux sub-forum. There is AIMP for Android, though, but Billy is Windows only, as far as I know.

spotify :/

Guayadeque 'cause i can set it up for a alsa playback achieving bit perfect playback and 'cause it supports cue sheet. Nowadays my CDs are stored in a single file with a cue sheet containing all the time details. Rhythmbox dosen't like cue sheets. Clementine for some reason has been gradually filing my RAM as it updates my database (weird memory leak?) Lollypop is cool but also doesn't support cue sheet.

Banshee when I listen to music which isn't often

cmus mostly, looking into deadbeef

Amarok, daemonized, controlled through KDEConnect, because I'm all hip and fancy like that lol ;-)

So do I. I also buy CDs and rip them using it!

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