What is this icon?

Im currently running Windows 10 and heres the rest of the specs. My issue is that whenever I leave my computer on for more than about 10 hours-ish my computer slows down to a halt. Theres no programs in task manager that are using very many resources and my cpu usage is perfectly normal for being at the desktop. The only thing I've noticed is that this icon appears, but it doesnt show up in task manager or alt-tabbing.


You might want to try putting the right link for the picture... haha

should be working now

which icon?

The trojan helmet.

it appears to be some application running C++. Since it isnt showing up in your task manager, id advise a malware scan.

hmm, do you have antivirus or anti malware program? cause just going off that it seems you have a torjan.

I have malwarebytes, and it hasn't picked anything up. 

Try a tasklist on elevated command prompt and compare it to your task manager list and see if anything looks out of place. 

Edit: You are the only user on that PC right?

Try using process explorer. http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896653.aspx


It might not, as Windows 10 is still in development there might be things that have changed that malwarebytes can not detect and does not support yet.

I tried to install avg to see if it would pick anything up that malwarebytes didn't and it caused my computer to crash and afterwards Windows wouldn't launch. So it looks like I'm going back to Windows 8.1 Thanks for the help everyone. 

It could be Delphi.

most def a Trojan virus, it totally disabled his computer when he tried to install a virus scanner. hopefully it's not installed on his MBR because then it'll just come back

Verified what the icon is: Delphi Codegear C++

Since we are talking about Windows 10 (and Windows is constructed using C++ and .NET) it might possibly be a phone home script for Microsoft

guess i was wrong, op just has a crap computer.