I am looking to get a new keyboard but don't have a lot of money,what would you guys suggest?
as your unlikely to get a mechanical keyboard for that budget. i would say the sidewinder x4. it has all the features of a gaming keyboard and 20key roll over.
I was going to say my logitech g110 but apparently I stole it from amazon for only $50! Sorry! :P
Zany man
P.S. What kind of keyboard are you into, like a gaming mechanical or what?
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823794002&Tpk=skiller I just got this . Its somewhere inbetween a cheap regular keyboard and a gaming / multimedia. I love the multimedia buttons :)
Here is another
EMCXNTX95 (Code) http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16823167011&nm_mc=AFC-C8JUNCTION&cm_mmc=AFC-C8JUNCTION-_-EMC-073013-Latest-_-Keyboards-_-23167011-L020C&PID=5742733&AID=10440897
and dont ask why I know they sell mech keyboards on an airsoft gun site
the other mech keyboard on evike is bad the one I linked is full mech
try and save some food money and buy a mech keyboard, its worth it
What i would really like in a keyboard i know i can't get for under $50,i would really like a backlit mechanical keyboard,with dedicated media keys,but i will have to settle for now.
you know what the best keyboard under 50 bucks is?
literally any fully functioning baige keyboard at local mission or goodwill, preferably PS/2
clean it, apply the Retr0brite treatment if neccisary
and get key tweek to set keyboard short cuts for insert, home, end, page up, page down since you'll hardly use those
Yes, that would be completely frugal, and recycling.