What is the best 4k 60fps gpu solution?

The gtx1080 I guess alllllmost 60 fps vsync @ 4k
We need juuust a little more power than the 1080 to pull it off.

But the new titan suppose 24% stronger

That one miiight do it...
But its waaaay more expensive $1200
Vs $650

Are there other branded options at 4k?? 60fps.

4k isn't possible for AAA titles.

u sir,
Have been misinformed.

Even my gtx 970 pulls 4k on some games in the high 40s

The 1080 has a million reviews on doom 4k max settings in the 50 fps range

A 1080 will fallout 4 in 4k in the 90 fps range in sli
But still dips sown to the 50s ish or below in the har hard areas...

My GTX 1070 has been treating me well.

Games like Witcher 3, you'll have to turn settings down, but can keep it at 4k. Overwatch is 60fps on max/4k for me.

My friend, if your 970 pulls 40 at 4K, then anything over 970, like Fury/FuryX/980Ti/1070/1080 will be able to...

No, in most AAA game, if you don't lower settings, you will not get 60fps...

That is a fairytale. ;)

Well i mean like Skyrim, and that's pretty old
My 970 totally operates just fine in 4k with Skyrim

There's a 1080 right near me at the local Fry's for 650 in stock

Older titles - yes. It's totally fine... New titles, current gen - no. You are not getting 60...
If you want pure 4k 60 - next gen GPUs summer next year...

I said AAA titles.

as someone who runs 390X cf @ 4k I know what games are not playabe/smooth, and that list is pretty much all AAA titles.

so you don't consider doom a triple a title?
Gtx 1080
It looks like it runs Battlefield 1 at 4K just fine anywhere from 80 to 60
I see dips into the 40 area as the guy is running around in the video as a single 1080

Then again I would never compare some crap game like that to be the gold standard for graphical fidelity

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With crazy money like 1080 SLI or Titen X, maybe. With one 1080 or any other card? No, not on a wide range of current AAA games.

Well I guess I'll continue to play older games at 4K and bump the newer games down to 1440 or 1080 I don't think I've ever even tried to use 1440 on my screen yet I wonder how that would look

Yes, 4k gaming is possible on these GPU's, but on most titles you aren't getting the optimal max settings at 60 fps experience.

Typically you have to lower the resolution and/or settings to make it playable.

It looks like the YouTube channel digital Foundry has pretty good testing methodology

If you have a 4K screen, 1440p might look worse than 1080p simply because of the scaling.

Yeah that's what I was thinking if I get something new like Deus Ex next month I'll probably have to run it on 1080 as it's a direct division of 4K

Or 4k medium no AA or AF...

Ultra or nothing
Resolution is negotiable I suppose but quality is not

You see why i am saying you can't play 4K? From today forward, all AAA games will be more and more difficult to run at 4K maxed out, and they are already pretty difficult to run... We all want high res... But at the end of the day, i rather play 1080p high framerate than 4k under 30...