I have done a lot of research. I have read and watched reviews for all these 8 cameras. I am still having a hard time choosing which camera to buy. I really need help guys. Please help me choose a camera to buy out of all these 8 cameras. Out of all these 8 Cameras, which camera is the best for me? The P610, WX500, HX90V, A5100, FZ200, DMC-GF7, SX60 HS, or the S9900? Which of these 8 cameras is the best in low light? I do not like a lot of noise in low light. I want a good camera to take pictures and record video. I am looking for a camera with a tiltable/swivel screen or articulated LCD for selfies, shoots 1080p 60p video, has great low light performance with little to no noise in low light, and that costs $400 and under. I really want a good camera for vlogging. I need help finding more cameras that are better than these 8 cameras. Maybe these 8 cameras that I found are not good enough and there are better cameras out there that I have never heard of. So people are saying that there is no $400 camera that has the features I want? The DMC-GF7 is under $400 and it has the features I want, right? Is it true that the DMC-GF7 is great in low light? No noise in low light is what I like. The SX60 HS is under $400. Is the SX60 HS good in low light as well? It seems like the cameras with the larger zoom like the P610 struggle in low light. While the cameras with the smaller zoom like the A5100 are much better in low light. Why are cameras with smaller zooms better in low light? Is zoom important when it comes to cameras? I do like to zoom at far away things, but maybe zoom is not as important as larger image sensor and a wider aperture.
You are asking a lot from a camera, if you want to have excellent low light performance (little to no noise is considered "excellent") you may want to bump up your price range and look at the DSLR or just a straight up camcorder.
Providing links to all your proposed cameras may help, being on mobile, I don't really feel like Googling 15 different things.
My humble opinion is that is very hard if not impossible. If low light is the thing that matters to you the most, maybe look at the night photo+video samples of those cameras and decide ? Even if you had 100 times bigger budget and bought almost any camera+lens you wanted, depending on the situation and iso settings you still might suffer from noise-grain.
I am not sure what you mean by zoom being a big deal, if it matters to you, it is.
I think maybe an entry level dslr(something like canon 55-600-650d) would suit your needs more, as you seem be really concerned about low light situations.(but of course you would need to increase the budget)
Why are cameras with smaller zooms better in low light? What I mean by zoom being a big deal is I am asking if zoom is important? Is large zoom not a big deal or not important compared to large image sensor or wider apeture ?
I can't speak for all those cameras and which one to get but I can explain the zoom & light a little bit.
First off, let's talk about prime lenses. These are lenses with very few elements and no zoom. (EG: Nikon 50mm f1.8 or Canon 85mm f1.2) Generally speaking the less glass you have that light needs to travel through the sharper your image will be. When you add zoom to a lens you are adding more glass elements 18-300mm nikon, these lenses typically are less sharp because they use more glass. It is Typically true that lenses with longer zoom ranges 18-200mm for example will be less sharp.
Second, there's also aperture. This is the hole in the lens that allows light in. Due to the nature of glass optics adding more glass to a lens shrinks the maximum aperture because of the increased complexity. Primes often have large apertures because of this. Now this means that a long zoom lens with a lot of glass will have a small aperture, and not let in much light, not good in low light because it doesn't let in much light to begin with.
There are of course exceptions to this with certain lenses and lens technology. Like the 14-24mm f2.8 or sigma 18-35mm f1.8 which are both incredibly sharp and let in a lot of light for what they are. But you end up paying a price premium for these lenses, often over a thousand dollars.
I mean if you wanna take bird photos with this camera, with 50mm you have no chance, you need to goat least 120 (I am not good-knownledged, I assume). if you wanna take photos-videos of interiors or cover a rather big section of a street-location, from close, you would need to "zoom out" to something like 10-20 mm range.
so if you are only going to use it for that, maybe zoom doesnt matter that much(but again I never vlogged too, I only assume).
So KenPC recommends the DSC- WX80. Thanks for your recommendation KenPC but this is not the camera I am looking for. I am looking for a bang for the buck camera. A camera that has a swivel/tiltable screen for selfies and vlogging. I said what camera I am looking for in my first post. The WX80 does not have a swivel screen. The WX80 is not the camera for me.
Which of the 9 cameras would you guys pick? The only problem I have with some of the 9 cameras is the zoom. I do like to zoom at far way objects. Does anyone have anymore camera recommendations? I would like someone to tell me cameras I have never heard of before that are similar to these 9 cameras.
What is a good bang for the buck camera that has all the features I want? The features that I want in a camera for $400. The best bang for the buck camera, Good in Low light, swivel screen, 1080p 60p, etc.
It is weather sealed, has a fippy screen, does HD video and a few settings for hi speed on lower resolutions which gives you slo-mo video clips. Sorry to add to your list but you may want to check it out.
Thank You trevsstrem for your camera recommendation of the Fuji Finepix S1. You don't have to be sorry to add this camera to my list. I want to check out more cameras. I am asking people for more cameras to recommend to me. I looked up the Fujifilm FinePix S1 and the PCMag Review said the Fujifilm FinePix S1 "images exhibit purple color fringing". I don't want my picture to be purple fringing. :(
I just can't believe it. All this time I thought the RX100 II had a flip up selfie screen. I was so wrong. The RX100 II does not have a flip up selfie screen. So I can cross the RX100 II off my list now.
If you can deal with not having the flippy screen go for a used 7D they are pretty decent at video and have pretty nice low light performance. Then just pick up a used 18-55 or maybe a used 50mm macro maybe.
In my honest opinion, of of the better cameras for blogging, low light shooting and does 1080p video is probably a Sony A5000 and you can step up to the top of the line A6000 for even better video and higher Mp quality.
I would like to add that most cameras especially mirrorless or Dslr cameras will do really good low light pictures and video. The determing factor is ISO quality and shutter speed. For shooting low light turn the ISO seeting up. Most cameras will have a ISO adjustment, ISO is the cameras sensitivity to light. The higher the ISO setting the more light the camera lets in. The down side to this is most non-professional model cameras in your price rage will start having a lot of noise in the pictures at a ISO setting around 3200.
The other way to take low light pictures is to adjust the shutter speed. If you slow the shutter speed down the camera will suck in more light and take brigher low light pictures. By leaving the shutter open long you can leave the ISO setting at a lower number like 100 and get really sharp and detailed low level night shots.
All of this means very little to picture quality if you dont have good lenses. The glass that you have mounted to the front of the camera is the most important part of the camera. So make sure you get a camera that you can attach good quality lenses to.