What Have You Done To Improve Your Life This Week #3

You should try IF (Intermittent Fasting).

It’ll aid in resetting your metabolism.

I myself usually stick to a 16 hour fast each day. Then in my last two-ish meals of the day I consume around ~1800 calories.

Put together a home gym

Savings comes out to about $40 a month plus $50 a year membership.

I also put together a RothIRA. So I have RIRA, 401k, and a few savings accounts. Goal is to have a couple million by 40 and retire. Or, at least have working be an optional component in my life.

Planning on getting 20% on a few rental properties and having some steady passive income. Charge 1% of the cost of the house for rent.


These shelves seem to be empty and being just dirty, could as well rip them off and have one step more space for that bag

I’ve found this very effective. I don’t usually eat breakfast anyway so a 16 hour intermittent fast ends up just being more of a goal of not snacking after dinner. I’ve found it works well more so because of the reward of hitting that goal it’s self than the fact that it’s IF.

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That whole garage is going to get sledged out eventually. But yeah the shelves are gross. The previous owner used it as his smoking room .

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I’ll keep it in mind as this strict calorie counting is hard going. After around three months I just can’t keep it up. I lost around 5 stone last time but put 2 back on. I’ll give IF a go in around three months once I have had enough of Slimfast! that might work well to keep the inevitable weight gain after the diet stops.

Do you have an iPhone? I use an app called Zero, i find it quite good as to keep track and give some motivation. I’m sure there’s something on android too. I dont think I’d do very well without a way to track it.

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Living room done :ok_hand:

Now I can finally start furnishing, finally install the new TV and consoles and get back on playing NieR #hype \o/

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Last week:

  • Meeting with HR
  • Meeting with boss
  • Meeting with HR round 2
  • Joined a club on campus
  • Worked on my car
  • More sweat equity into my house

This week:

  • Marketing conference Friday
  • Taking on new opportunities at work
  • More renovations

very much so. $12/hr during training and $13/hr during production with a high likely hood of getting promoted

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Moving things over to the server for file storage now that I got the first HDD for it. Next got to add more HDD and do some weird backup setting that are impractical. Just got to start taking old backups and putting them on there and then make backup of that after I’m done so I can squirrel away backups everywhere! Now all I need is a bluray burner that does M-Disc. Figure if I can get rid of a few hundred old CD/DVDs by the end of the year I will have more room to store more old crap I don’t need.

This week I started doing some stretching exercises for my back. Mainly pelvic tilts and stand-and-reach stretches.

I have terrible problems with my lower spine and back (a couple dehydrated discs, a spur that may be putting pressure on a nerve, and a very old muscle tear). Plus my hamstrings are abnormally tight. And I have arthritis starting in my spine.

My back always hurts, but since I got a more sedentary desk job it’s been much more bothersome. But since starting the pelvic tilts and stretching on Monday I’ve noticed the pain is less and I’m not as stiff. So that’s nice.

On top of all that I’ve been getting horrible headaches for the last few years.

I need to start losing weight. I hit 312 pounds on Monday. Which is very embarrassing. I’m tall and stocky, so I carry it sort of OK, but my doctor suggested I lose some and see if it helps my headaches. It’ll probably help my lower back, too.


Yesterday I finally decided to get back on my ADHD meds. When I was about 15, I thought that me off meds was more edgy, and creative. I was wrong. What I was, was more lazy, and didn’t want to do squat. Didn’t help I was rebelling. My mother told me I’d regret it.

But back to what i’m doing to improve my life.

I went back on the meds. And amazingly it’s easier to concentrate now, I’m remembering important things like body hygene, and I’m not insatiably hungry anymore.

Before going back on the meds, I was hungry all the time. ALL THE TIME. Whether I was full, or empty, or bored, or entertained. Which led to me just getting up and eating before I realized it afterwards. I would look down, and a big plate of food was done while I was playing a game, or watching tv with my kids.

No wonder I’m 351 lbs. But I was weighed like 4 days ago, I was 358. Today at my hearing checkup I’m 351. So going back on the meds has reset my metabolism. I’m going to start walking as much as I can. Unfortunately a few years ago I had two mini strokes, and for some reason that has made walking very hard. And since I"m so overweight, walking gets PAINFUL.

But I hope this is a start to reinventing myself. And hopefully I find a job soon or I’m gonna lose my electricity. I have kids, this is not a good thing.

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I thought I had ADHD until I realized I was just addicted to sugar.

Cut out sugar (carbs) more and boom, instant mental stability.

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I did my tax. On time. I’ve been keeping transaction records in Banktivity on the Mac (and likely migrating to “Moneydance” which is cross-platform on linux, mobile, etc.).

After years of half-assing it, i’ve actually kept track of my money properly for the past 18 months and got a $1600 refund :smiley:

^^ above. cut sugar. reduce carbs. better sleep, better mood stability, better focus, etc. did that in January… result…

The brief uptick for September is because i’ve started working out :smiley:

Almost zero/no change in exercise prior to September. Purely diet.

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make some tumeric cinnamin kale spinach almond milk blendy blendy smoothie

You laugh but turmeric coffee tastes great.

IT does i beleive in you

3 posts were split to a new topic: What have you done to improve your like #4