What Have You Done This Week To Improve Your Life?

This week I set up an Acorns account to start auto-investing for my future self.


Committed to better communication with my wife. Compromises made. Setting achievable personal goals. Trying to see a more positive side of thingsā€¦ Baby steps


Woah, itā€™s been almost 2 years?

Still not had a ciggie.

I still desire one every time Iā€™m around someone who smokes, but havenā€™t slipped upā€¦


I bought (and started using) a journaling app. Day one. (Apple devices)


So I can remember what I did. Put notes in it during the day of things I did, conversations I had, etc.

So if I need to look something up or if someone asks if I did something, I can find it. And definitively confirm the date and time that I did it.

Day one is Apple only but can do automatic journaling of location, photos, etc. in addition to free form text entries. presumably similar exists for other platforms.

I used to use paper and then notes/OneNote for this but this arranges it conveniently by date and auto tracks some stuff for me too.

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Got married Tuesday. Hopefully that is an improvement to my life lol.


Nadda. 0. Cero. Ziltch. Zero. Still trying to shake off effects, to human malware chipping. Pretty sure firmware has some corruptionā€¦ Is their a BIOS Flashback option anywhere?

  • Took a vacation
  • Played 2 normal speed civ6 games to science victory
  • Simplified my home network by removing an extraneous wifi access point
  • Disconnected an IKEA ZigBee gateway, subsumed by home assistant
  • Replaced a bunch of sockets/extension cord adapter with some POE splitters
  • Watched some movies
  • Filed some feature request bugs to make home assistant kill SD cards less, and wrote some proof of concept opensource code
  • Spent a bunch of time outside in the park
  • Did some cooking and overdue cleaning
  • Registered to get vaccinated whenever theyā€™ll let me
  • 6 days passed / have 4 days left

Well, not this week, but recently, paid my car loan out (it had 2-3 years left on it, but figured Iā€™d smash it).

Feels good being debt free again (aside from the mortgage)



Iā€™m working on posture and productivity (making less work hours mean more), while we try to transition the server to an Arch base.

Nice question.


I took a one-day vacation to take my wife on a date.
Always good to invest time in the relationship!

Also tech stuff (I want to transistion to IT from car industry)

  • finished devops introduction course
  • started podman course and learned about cockpit

Started dieting and actually paying attention to how much I eat. Goal is 30lbs and 2in off my waist.


cut sugar and replace with non sugar sweeteners and youā€™ll be well on your way


Been eating low-carb for the last few days now and have dropped 5lbs. The heat wave has helped to reduce my appetite and encourage me to drink more water.


I dropped ~20 kilograms (107 down to 85) in 6 months. No change in exercise.

If you can be disciplined with low carb it definitely works. And real food actually starts tasting good.

Youā€™ll typically see a rapid initial drop and then maybe plateau for a little bit. Donā€™t be discouraged and stick with it. Look at the weekly trend and donā€™t be discouraged by ā€œbad daysā€.


I applied for a BA position at an IT firm. Got the invite for recruitment process today.
I see this as a small but significant step, foot in the door style.

Just wanted to share with you all.


Well the last month I took everyoneā€™s baggage hat theyā€™ve been piling onto me and chucking it back ta them as hard as I can.

Had a misfire or two, but hopefully Iā€™ve fixed that mistake.


Bought a 8ā€™ x 13ā€™ Rug. Started doing sit ups, i hurt now :slight_smile:


Incorporate Russian twists and get back to me.

Welcome to the forum!


Iā€™ve been back in the gym 3 to 5 days a week for the last two months. Iā€™m crushing my old PRs this week, mostly due to a much more healthy diet.

Had to take one week off due to being sick, but Iā€™m still killing it.

Crushed my previous deadlift record of 225, and hit 315 for 5 on Tuesday. Squats are still lagging due to knees, 275 for 8, can probably hit 315, but ehhh I like walking.


My new apartment complex has a gym. Pretty excited as I havenā€™t had access to weights since I left the military.