I’ve got my home server stack running nicely and in a way that I like. Each service is running in a container with its own docker-compose.yml. One challenge that I ran into while doing this was hoe to manage it. I would love a web interface that I can run on the server that can also be easily containerized in docker to manage and see the status of each one of these services easily.
I’ve looked into docker-swarm a little bit, which seems like it would be helpful from a strict service management point of view. But it doesn’t give me the ease of use that a web interface would. I want to be able to access it from my phone anywhere on my local network and just get a quick “At a glance” view at the status of all my services, as well as be able to restart them or view the logs if something went wrong.
I have been pretty out of touch with this part of IT/server management lately, so I hoping that some folks here might have a good suggestions on options.