Ive been milling over a pc build for the past 4 months now just doing research and im pretty confident in the parts i picked but i want to make sure that i properly invest my money and efforts into what im build any suggestions on what i should do?
*also i have a 1000w power supply and a 1Tb hardrive ready to go
Looks good to me. I would prefer http://pcpartpicker.com/part/asus-motherboard-m5a97r20 over the MSI board you got, but the Asus is more expensive and might take you out of your budget.
well damn! i didn't expect such a quick reply! thanks for the input. my budget is no more than 500 dollars give or take.
Looks solid to me. Similar to my build but I'm jelly of that 1000w psu.
My friend gave it to me for free! cuz it was just lying around.
Try this...
I switched out the motherboard, CPU and CPU cooler for better variants. With the combo discounts, it should put you right at your budget.
WHAA?! I want that friend. I gave a 350w to a friend once, but 1000w?!
Despite what he says, I'll tell you from experience that MSI board is awesome. I own one and it can run any AM3+ processor except the 220w 9xxx series. It overclocks well and supports sli and crossfire.
fx 8320 amazing price. the only problem with the cpu is that you need a aftermarket cpu cooler. the standard cooler is great for the fx 6300 stock but if you put that on a fx 8320 it will turn into a jet. other option is a 7850 from asus 105 dollar. but it only has 1 gig instead of 2 gig.