What Cpu And motherboard should i Purchase?

Sup guys its me again ---__---
as u can read by the title.. im looking to build a new pc.... i have experience.. but havent chosen what mobo and cpu goes best...
Red motherboard
Gaming motherboard
Black Motherboard
Strong Motherboard
Sexy motherboard..
And a newish cpu under 300 bucks.. that is Overclockable and is hyper threaded... if possible.. a i5 or a i7...
the budget for these 2 things are = 400$...
got any ideas?
Reply with whatever the hell u wanna say ....



Thanks for the suggestion... will look into it..

Don't look into them. First link leads to a i7-4790 -> not for overclocking. Second link leads to a socket 1151 mobo. Those two are not compatible.

edit: on the topic - OC + HT = i7, and those cost ~$330 (including Haswell). No OC but HT would give you a Xeon (basically an i7 without OC and iGPU), OC but no HT would give you an i5-K. Unless you're willing to make compromises $400 will be almost impossible. Xeon or i5-K and a nice mobo, no problem.

For 400 you could get a Xeon combo AND a g3258 combo for OC'ing. One build is never enough:))

Are you buying a whole new PC? If so what's the whole budget and country?

What are you using it for?