What cable is this?

This is coming from the back of a souround sound system and I would like to know what it is so I can use it again :P

Hmm... 25 pin something.

Looks proprietary. Try looking up the brand of your system, to see if its listed.

It looks to me a little like a scart lead; that's probably wrong though.

Take your pic 


It's none of those.

And this one 

Its coming from the back of a panasonic subwoofer (All the other speakers are wired into it) It used to goto a reciever but I'm not sure where the reciever is now.

This is puzzling. Perhaps it is some none standarsized proprietary hardware.

Alright, found the reciever and found what i was looking for, Its basically a propietary connection the the subwoofer

Called it. Haha.