I’m being bought a tattoo for my 21st, and I’m in the brainstorming phase. But it got me thinking about the viability of gaming tattoos. I feel like there are both very good and very bad examples of gaming tattoos, and also good and bad reasons for getting them to go with it.
So I was wondering, what does you think of them as a whole? What do you think are good and bad reasons for/examples of gaming tattoos? Would ever get one? If so, what and why?
My general opinion on the tattoos is the same as my opinion on games…
If you gonna get a tattoo you should get something you won’t be embarrassed to look at in 30 years. And you never know what will happen with that thing you love now and will you still like it in 30 years? Will the publisher ruin the thing you have tattooed on your flesh so now it’s a joke? It’s absolutely out of your control.
So I would rather not…
It’s odd how I have always thought of getting a couple tattoos but just haven’t gotten around to actually getting any anyway. But if you’re trying to brainstorm any ideas I would say get something that suits you, or something you might have fond memories about. Afterall, it’s literally your choice if you wish to get a tattoo out of passion, love, etc.
For example, I’m young & just getting into console games. Although I haven’t really played any of them, I feel like I’m a much bigger Sonic The Hedgehog fanboy as opposed to being a fan/fanboy of the Mario series. Definitely gonna get a Sonic tattoo one day since Sonic is just that awesome!
Three years.
If there is something special enough you think you want to make it permenanant, sharpie it on your skin, and let people comment, and give it some years to ensure you really want it.
Unless lazering is cheap for you?
A tattoo is gonna be with you the rest of your life, but games do fade.
So give it a few years when you know, and then get the tat.
But once you have one, you probably won’t stop there. You’ll add other characters and scenes, but make the starting place mean something, even if the rest get less and less important.
But tattoos are super cool!
Oh, and I likes the Japanese yakuza style of leaving hands, wrists and neck clean, so a shirt can switch you to business mode, and the other negotiating party takes you serious.
I agree with everyone else. Make sure it is actually what you want. Spend time with the piece, like the sharpie thing I have heard tattoo artists say to get it drawn and hang it on a wall somewhere you will see it every day for months and if you still like it after all that then it is probably safe.
As for the immediate, get a voucher or something so you still get the gift but don’t have to do it right now.
I thought about getting game stuff, specifically the NOD crest from Command & Conquer but decided against it, I still like the games and the art but in the end I decided if I am getting something permanent on me I want it to be my own work not someone else’s.
As someone with weeb art tattoos i agree that what you get better mean something to you but i also agree with Lesser to an extent. Wouldn’t want a vaultboy tattoo after all of Bethesdas shenanigans.
Here is my ‘first’ tattoo, its frostmourne from WoW, even if i dont play WoW anymore its still a cool fucking sword AND WoW is/was a HUGE part of my life so either way its worth it. Game tattoos are fine. just make sure its something you really want.
unless your getting fan art your basically tattooing yourself with an advert for a game.
your a walking billboard for a company that isnt paying you for the advertising space.
so for me its NO! thanks.
But like any tattoo - if it means a heap to you, go for it. Sometimes the sillier the tattoo, the better so long as it has an actual story or some significance behind it.
I don’t have any tattoos; not because I am against them but because I don’t like pain and I haven’t had anything in my life so significant I want it on my skin permanently.
YMMV of course
But, at 21 I’d be concerned that you haven’t even been alive long enough to have anything significant enough impact you (outside of family) to justify marking yourself with it. But hey, a few friends of mine have tattoos that are mostly a joke, so each to their own.
So long as it is what YOU want, go for it. Just make sure it’s what you want.