What are you reading right now?

I'm rereading (binge reading about.6000 pages in the last 70 days) the Wheel of Time series.  I was 12 books in (if I count the prequel) when Robert Jordan died back in mid 2007 without finishing the series & it was 2011 before his hand picked 'replacement' writer finished the last 2 books. I never finished the last 3 books and my "Organic Systems" are wearing out.(can't remember shit)  So another est.90 days and 8000 pages or so & I'll know how it ends finally. 

you need a taster you can overnight it   lol

I need to get around to doing that eventually. I'm just worried about putting all the effort into re-reading it all and being let down with the ending.

 no offense but you sound like a little bitch right now.  


"boo hoo  the ending might disappoint me so I'm worried about even starting to read,  wahh"  


maybe you should ask Oprah what to fucking  read

not everything in life is about the climax... sometimes the process can be enjoyable in itself...

You've got a point, but sometimes the end can be so disappointing, that it retrospectively spoils everything that came before it. Depends on how the story was built, I guess.

Just for Fun: The Story of an Accidental Revolutionary

An interesting book, but it's less of a story and more of a soapbox for Linus.

Going Postal by Terry Pratchett (for the 4th time). I started it yesterday and almost finished it already. I read quite a lot of books.. When I was 7, I read HP and the Order of the Pheonix in 2 days. German translations was about 1000 pages O.o I don't binge-read that often anymore though. 

So far It is surely the most massively epic tale I've attempted to read to date. When Jordan died before finishing the series, I didn't think it would ever have an ending. That was such a terrible way to end.... that I swore I would not read anything larger than a trilogy ever again. So what ever the ending may be ... good, bad, somewhere in between ... at least it will be an ending. For me that will be enough and I am grateful just to be given an opportunity to finnish.


Oh yeah that "nothing larger than a trilogy" thing only lasted about three months when I started reading.

Terry Goodkinds - Sword of Truth series


Sweet, so many things to add to my list.  I just started Orwell's1984.


Ooh, I seriously loved that book! Wasn't expecting much, who doesn't know the story, right? But the way the book is written was a bit of a shock. It's a forensic reconstruction from the letters, diaries, telegrams and even phonograths of the people involved. I recommend it!

I'm currently reading William Gibson's Neuromancer Trilogy. The books are amazing! Not the easiest read but definitely worth it. 

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Fables comics by Bill Willingham.

Bit different to what most are posting but I really like it.

I love science fiction, found this store in my small town and she has a ton of old fantasy and sci fi books.


The book I am reading right now is neither though, Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, heard  good things.


Read Hyperion, one of the best sci fi novels I have read, I am a bit into the second one. 


I also got Arthur C. Clarke Childhoods end which is awesome and the first book in the Foundation series.

I'm currently reading A Dance With Dragons by George R. R. Martin (also known as "Game of Thrones" for you TV show watchers).

I have read every A Song of Ice and Fire books up to the point I am right now

<insert name> dies!

I had never heard of this book and never knew "The Matrix" was inspired by it. I have heard of Simulcra and Simulation but haven't given it a read yet.

Currently reading "Into the WIld"

The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith