What are actually good, free games?

Hmm seems theres a group of fans for an old game called Blacklight: Retribution (dead) that are willing to work on a new Game that imitates what made BLR so great, I dont know if they’ll make it free to play but I cant wait to see what they do as the devs for BLR really flopped hard on a game that had so much potential.

Privateer Gemini Gold.


0AD. I can’t believe that no one said it already. The game was origianlly closed source, but then the group open sourced it. It’s basically a FOSS Age of Empires.



I think most of the free PC games I’ve played have already been mentioned, so I’ll throw out the only two mobile games I play, both of which are free:

Plague Inc. is available on Steam for about 15 bucks, but there’s a free version available for Android as well. It’s been a while since I’ve played it but there was no ‘pay to win’ features that I recall. Really fun strategy game.

Pixel Dungeon is pretty popular here in our office as well. No ads, no pay to win, just a simple dungeon questing game. Pretty challenging.

I also just found out that Prison Architect is free for tablet devices, but I haven’t tried it yet. I love the PC version though.


Wanted to give it a try. It’s currently not working on Ryzen 3000 CPUs. Their Forum has a patch you can compile yourself, but it leads to an Out of Memory error later in the game, so… Sadly won’t try that today.

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Ooo that reminds me, heres the mobile games I enjoy:


Tyrian 2000 and its open sourced frontend OpenTyrian is one of the best free game Ive played and still continue to play.


If you’re into retro tactics games (think Final Fantasy Tactics Advance), Battle for Wesnoth!

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For not understanding what I am doing while playing I had a lot of fun in it.


Is it really? Damn…
PS: Not fair, it’s apple store…

had no idea you liked sim games? what others do you play… ive got quite a few

If you’re into rhythm games, this one is by far my favorite. You can play all the way through the main storyline for free. There are tons of extra songs you can buy, and an expansion as well for only $2.99 (basically just re-playing through the story but with newer and more difficult songs).

The open Source space sim endless sky. its kind of like Elite/the X series but in 2D

Its also on Steam


Endless Sky is definitely a phenomenal game. I don’t have anything to add to the thread, but have to +1 this game.

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Starcraft. It’s old as hell at this point but it’s still a lot of fun for those that like RTS.

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reminds me of an old flash game I played whe nI was little, Star trek dark mirror, interesting game type :stuck_out_tongue:

Well over 1200 hours in Unturned. I’ve been playing it on and off for several years now. For what is essentially a one man show, it’s one of the best free games on Steam that has worked natively in Linux since I left Windows over 5 years ago. There are lots of ways to play and tons of mods out there as well. Like most zombie survival games today, once you get the feel for the survival part you can then expand on crafting and exploring. Plus the simplistic look can be a bit more kid friendly with things like rag dolls and blood turned off. My nephew loves spawning in jets and blowing things up.

The guy has also been working on a new version using Unreal engine instead of Unity. No idea if it too will be free, but his blog has a bunch of videos on the progress if anyone is interested -




Sector Strike

Star craft

Star craft II

Metroid: Confrontation

Nothing is ever truly gone on the internet

Super Smash Land

Tower of Heaven

Paper Mario Pro mode

They already came up in the thread, but Path of Exile and Warframe are great examples of non-predatory F2P games.

There’s also Neverwinter, Team Fortress 2, League of Legends, Star Trek Online, Guild Wars 2, EVE Online, and of course Fortnite.

Also Apex Legends, although there’s some talk about it being predatory in its DLCs lately.