What am I missing out on with linux?

Oh my goodness, this ^^


everyone with a bluetooth headset will know the struggle... arch, debian...everyone....the struggle is real.

EDIT: pulseaudio </3

OMG that pulse audio ^%$#^%#$^&%^&%^ :slight_smile:

How about sudo !! all day?


At first, being in total control is confusing. It's often seen as a disadvantage. After a while though, there is no way back lol, there is too much compromise in not being in total control over your system and your production assets.

Why settle for anything less than open source software? The reasons people have for not only using open source software are comfort, laziness, addiction to senseless commercial entertainment, etc... not really the nicest goals in life. So why not enjoy the discovery of everything you can do with freedom and unlimited production assets?

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You forgot yt-download no more using a webpage service to rip YouTube videos.
Plus you feel like a leet hacker who just broke into Googles DC.

It is strange I have to install pulseaudio equalizer that seems to be unsupported now. It works but I do have to jump trough hoops swapping audio.

All I want is an audio equalizer

How about : It stays the way i set it up. You have control over the updates.

This should probably be a linux user checklist of some sort.
Being that I can only check off 9 of them, I wonder if that means I'm a pleb or I have ascended?

IMHO - usecases for Linux:

  1. You are broke and need a free OS.

  2. You want to use your computer "more." Let me explain. If you just want to game/email/wordprocess/internet only and don't fit usecase 1 - do NOT use Linux.

However, if you are interested in computer technology, the rabbit hole is as deep as you want it for learning. Do you want to scrape web pages for data? Sure you can use Python and windows but that "scraping" knowledge won't help you much more on Windows.

However, with Linux - you could leverage that knowledge, utilize PERL/sed and really do some powerful stuff with you OS, in addition to the web.

It's a double edged sword though - the cost is your time, so if what I said previously sounds totally lame - you aren't missing out on much.

My $0.02


Observation: A lot of elitism and smugness is being expressed in this thread.


Just trying to be real. Hopefully, I didn't come across as a prick.

Just from my experience, if a user expects to just sit down and start using Linux and not expect to run into "complicated" (relative term here) problems, even using a "simple" (relative term here) Linux like a Ubuntu, they're in for a surprise.

Honestly, installing an OS is more than most windows users will ever do, and that's just the entry to Linux. Also, if you break your Linux, you can't expect to take it to geek squad and have them repair it - that's on you.

So, not trying to be prickish but want to be upfront with a new user, but hey what do I know?

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what does a single box RHEL license cost again?

@cotton I think your #2 point was on point only because of the first use case you listed: gaming.

I use Solus for exactly #2, sans gaming (99.9% of the time). It's been solid. Install was easy and straight forward, software center covered the bases for what I needed (Steam for that .01% of the time I want to play a game, Chrome for internets/email, Spotify for music, and Libre Office for word processing).

I realize I mentioned having gamed on Solus so it sounds like all of #2 is easily accomplished on Linux, but I think for the Average Joe (me) that's not the case only due to the vast majority of popular/mainstream games with no Linux support. And from an Average Joe standpoint, figuring out which video driver is going to offer the best performance in games.

I would have no issue building a PC (or refurbing a prebuilt) with Linux for my kids, mom, or grandparents. I realize this is OT from @shazonline original post, and I apologize but I will follow up with something slightly more on topic.

@shazonline Your title originally made me think you were asking things you're missing out on because you DO use Linux and not Windows. So, with that view... Here's my personal opinion, things that I feel I'm missing when on Linux (it's a short list):

  1. Gaming : I'd miss out on Battlefield 4 which I've sunk mannnyy hours into. I've been wanting to finally try The Division, and GR: Wildlands.

  2. Skype w/ video support : I believe this is in the works, not 100%. I know they're rolling out updates for Skype for Linux but the last I checked it was audio calls only. I don't use Skype much at all, but I occasionally want to Skype video chat with my mom or grandparents so they can chat with my kids who they don't see often (We live ~1,000 miles apart).

I would include the full Visual Studio IDE in this list, but I typically don't do a lot of programming at home... at which point I could get by with Visual Studio Code for the rare time when I do want to do some programming for fun.

And my main reason for even using Linux at all:
It just put the fun factor back into computing that I experienced when I first got my Tandy running Windows 3.1. The 'everything is new to me and this is cool' feeling.

I have a Sealed Retail Box Copy of RHEL 4 my dude!
I don't know cost but I have full access to all the subscriptions I want! : P

Yeah I'm just curious. Having someone to bitch to other than me would be the only way I'd ever recommend linux to anyone, and if it's cheaper than windows + yearly SW maintenace that normies have to pay into, then it might be an option.

RHEL server is US$349

RHEL workstation is US$299

Last I checked, a few months ago...

is that per annum or per version

It's annual licensing. There are addons as well. Ceph support is $799, HA doubles the price, Smart management is $189, etc...

Word. I'll keep that in mind next time someone asks me about linux like im from there or something