Wget entire site including js, img, and css files

Please help me develop a wget command to download an entire website including it's css, js, img etc, without it's external links (and avoid backing up the entire internet).

I need to patch a part for my sister-in-laws bf's site and I'd like to test it locally before throwing it up to the net.

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wget -p -k http://www.example.com

That should get everything required for the site (-p), and change any links to relative links (-k).

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Backing up the internet sounds fun ^.^

Thanks @Eden!

i think i just found a new insane obsessive hobby.


I've heard that you can backup wikipedia yourself. Supposedly as plain text it's less than 1TB (or at least a couple years ago it was) I couldn't find any reliable and up-to-date source on that though.

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