Wget a site - need to get past login

I'd like to download an entire kb that I'm a member of to my local machine. I was thinking of using a recursive wget command against the site, however its behind a login page.

The simplest may be to login to the KB on my web browser log in and then use wget to pull off the information from the command line after I authenticate via web browser.

I figure if that doesn't work, I'd have to do something with a post request from the command line with my username and password prior to allowing me to use wget. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this if the first way doesn't work?

Oh man, I just found a nasty wget command in its man page. I have no idea how it works, but once I figure it out I'm posting an explanation. With my username and passwords of course...

Seriously though let me see if I can get this explained so anyone else who needs this has a reference.

It has to be possible with either wget or curl because pfSense does this with their tutorial on "Remote Config Backup." I don't know exactly how it's done but you might investigate that tutorial and see if you can reverse engineer it.

You will need a session ID/cookies for curl (somehow stick it in there.)

If you need cookies to log in to the site, use the option --load-cookies=FILE with a cookie file you exported from your browser.
If it's a popup basic htts-auth thing, use --username and --password