Welcome to Level1 Devember!

I posted the project thread at the end of the last post. :smile:

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Hahaha I guess I skim too fast :wink:

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Here is my devember project. It’s an installer for blind users to get arch up and running without spending days trying to figure out how to enable speech services and the like.


Here is the link for my Devember project.
The plan is to create a gift exchange platform (think secret santa) whilst learning Go and Vue


My Devember goal is to implement a Puyo Puyo style game using Rust with the embedded-graphics crate on a development board running a GD32 RISC-V microcontroller with a tiny little ~1 inch 160x80 LCD screen (the Sipeed Longan Nano.)

I’ve got a post over on Community Blogs, but can’t link here.

Don’t expect my code to be especially “idiomatic” Rust, I’m not a software engineer- just a guy trying to get something to work without the standard library or an allocator. My current code is more like two different prototypes that I need to get working together- so no github link yet (if I could post links. :D)


For Devember 2020, I created a supercut of “protips” from the Level 1 News!

I use youtube-dl to download the auto-generated captions and a python script to search for the phrase “protip” and download/trip the episodes to the correct timestamps. Hope you all enjoy!


As with a lot of these tutorial type things, the biggest problem I have is finding a problem to solve. If anyone could suggest some topics that I could use to kickstart my voyage into this new cloud based thingy. Without the crazy problems thrown at you in a commercial space, coming up with yet another “bubblesort” is just a real pain. Again any help would be appreciated.

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My Devember project is to improve my webdev skils and increase my free time by creating a Union member management tool for my union.

Thanks for holding this awesome event!


Even though I’m a reasonably experienced programmer, my FOSS contributions are pretty weak. I have been attempting to be a more active contributor for a long time now. So my #devember2020 project is to fix one bug a week in a FOSS project I use.


This is genuinely great.

I’ve been trying to contribute more to open source projects. It’s been p4oving harder than it seems. I’ve got an open feature PR that’s been going on since June! (Though I might just be a shit programmer)

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Ya, even if you ignore the social and psychological factors, contributing to FOSS projects can be a bit daunting. My biggest challenge has been to gain familiarity with the codebase. There is so much history behind every decision, it can be quite overwhelming.

I think my recent progress has been thanks to good debuggers :stuck_out_tongue: I put in some effort to learn a bit more of the commands, and options, and thanks to effective UIs like VScode and pudb.

BTW, good luck with your PR :slight_smile:


Yep, I’ve started by finding abandoned prs that needed work and tried to follow recommendations to get up to snuff so I can familiarize myself with the codebase


Picking up abandoned PRs is a great way to get into this :slight_smile:, but maybe slightly daunting (for me). So far, my approach has been:

  • writing docs: gives me a working knowledge about what is the expectation for a certain module
  • writing tests: forces me to understand the codebase, but in somewhat self-contained pieces

And now I’m trying to step-up to bug fixes :slight_smile:



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I really want to get involved but I just don’t know where to begin! I need some inspiration!
I’m a PhD student working on computational genomics, I wonder if there is anything I can do on linode which would be useful in bioinformatics :thinking:


I don’t know how far you are in your PhD, if you are just starting, there are many open datasets for genomics that you can play with to get acquainted. There’s the, by now pretty old, 1000 Genomes Project. The Genome browser has gene expression data, and then there’s the Genome in a Bottle (GIAB) project. Although I’m not sure how much of GIAB is open (because of patient privacy), you might need to sign a few ethics forms to get access.

As for what you could do, you could practice some dataset preprocessing on Linode (attempt stuff that requires more compute or memory). Or maybe keep it simple, and just use your local machine to do some data exploration. The sooner you start this kind of experimentation, the faster you can move on to more interesting research questions :wink:

On the other hand, if you are already quite a bit into your PhD, you can share some of your research problems in a thread, I would be happy to participate and share my thoughts from the computational perspective (scientific software is my thing :wink: ). Hope that gives you some ideas :slight_smile:


My Devember project is to learn how to and practice writing software/firmware to control stepper motors, so that I’ll be able to upgrade my 3D printer and build mesh morphing robots.

Wish me luck!


My Devember project is to learn enough OpenCV that I can use it to calibrate an Epson SCARA robot I have floating around:


I have the opposite problem, hah! I’ll try to dump some of my ideas here.

My big fascination these days is decentralization. There are a lot of burgeoning new platforms and technologies with fast-growing ecosystems, that are just waiting for your applications. I often get application ideas while thinking about what problems a particular technology could solve.

  • Fediverse: an open standard for interoperable social media. There still isn’t a fediverse tinder :smirk: Fediverse Snapchat might also be a good idea, or maybe a short-form-media platform (like vine / tik-tok / instagram stories / facebook stories). Also it’s quick and easy to build bots for e.g. Mastodon. I especially like bots that post generative art occasionally.

  • Matrix: This is my jam. It’s a federated protocol for chat (or real-time-communication in general). It’s super extensible and interoperable with other chat media. It would be awesome to see more bridges for different media. Discord and Slack already work fine, but maybe Matrix needs a discourse bridge? What about a tinder bridge? A CUPS bridge? Maybe control your home IoT stuff using a Matrix bot…

  • IPFS: Hot-shit global content-addressible p2p network with sexy stuff like DNS-type linking, pubsub, browser compatibility, etc. I’ve been wanting to build a music streaming service on IPFS for a while. Maybe it should be a Mopidy backend, for maximum compatibility?

  • Snapcast: Solution for synchronized multi-room audio streaming. Currently it only streams to unix hosts (it depends on named pipes for some stuff), which is a shame. I want to make it sync to embedded devices (like an esp?) and mobile devices (like android?) as well… A lightweight snapclient library / implementation is kind of missing.

Other technologies that are just waiting for applications include:

  • GnuNet
  • Webtorrent
  • Wasm (see for instance this)
  • Guix / Nix
  • ZeroMQ

Also, if you’re familiar with python, you should check out Player1’s Brawl.AI project! It’s a tonne of fun.


Contribute to open source projects!

Find something that you think is interesting, in a language you know, and look through the GitHub issues for an issue that you think you can fix!