Weird boot issue on thinkpad A485

Whenever I try to boot my laptop after installing windows it will boot loop a few times before it recognizes that it has a bootable drive in it I had windows multi booted with linux and had no problems but now with a new windows only install on the same WD nvme drive in the wlan slot and I removed the hardrive used as storage and not for booting any os and I still have an image of the ssd before i wiped it.

Anyone know how to fix this? Video is of problem.

Can you get into bios? Do you have multiple drives listed and/or multiple boot managers listed?

I can get into the bios and I set the windows bootloader to be the only bootable device and the problem does not go away.

Hi @etan91011, your BIOS has become corrupted by the improper removal of Linux. Don’t panic. All you need to do is reset your BIOS to its factory settings. Have you contacted Lenovo support? Somehow you need to reset the BIOS to its factory settings? If you had a desktop instead of a laptop, l would have more ideas. Why did you try to remove Linux when the Laptop had no problems dual-booting Windows and Linux.

I already reset the bios but thanks for the idea I am going to look into reflashing it and I do have a desktop and another laptop. I have not contacted Lenovo at all. I removed linux because the ssd is small and i am dedicating the laptop to school work now and my school uses programs that run exclusively on windows

Thanks I found out that the 3rd oldest bios is the latest one that fixes the problem but the newer bios’s have it.

The fact you remove Linux from your Laptop so you can use it for school makes sense. I am glad I was of some help. In the future, if you consider dual booting any computer, it is best practice for each operating system to have its individual disk. Windows has been known to overwrite Linux if both operating systems are on the same fiscal disk. I run only Linux on my computers. I use to dual boot, but since I am not a gamer anymore and have found Linux alternatives for my windows workflow, I find it easier to use Linux, and for the very few Windows workflows, l haven’t found an option to boot up a Windows VM.

Windows erased grub when i had this computer dual booted but i still had a copy of the partition. For my linux needs on this laptop I plan to use bootable usb drives. I am also looking into hyper v but I really need battery life for school.

I had a feeling Windows had overwritten Grub, but I wasn’t sure. Using bootable USB drives for Linux is an excellent idea. I always had better luck using bootable USBs when running Linux on a Windows machine. I thought Hyper V was free; if you do use Hyper V, please let me know what you think about it. I have heard there are some exciting projects you might be able to do in the future with it. Microsoft seems to be adding new functions to it. I use Vmware Workstation as my go-to hypervisor. I know it isn’t free, but I use GNS3 to virtualize my network, and you can’t beat interconnectivity between Workstation Pro and GNS3.

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