Just curious on what if any of you have water cooling, what type and if it works well.
Or if anyone has any imput on a good cpu fan or watercooling.
I was looking at the thermaltake 780i i think?
But I heard that it's really loud and doesnt do a whole lot vs some cpu fans.
I prefer the ATI GTX 280 cpu fan, its t3h bomb....(tehe)
Zalman 9700 NT out pwns some cheap water cooling.
in my opinion, water cooling is pretty extreme and over the top unless you want to seriously overclock. still, if you want a crazy thermo electric cooler, go with the ultra chilltec. thats still pretty hardcore though...
So would you reccommend water cooling or just a good cpu fan?
and does anyone know any information on how well the thermaltake 780i peforms?
George that chilltec looks WICKED.
I think i might invest in that.
if your going to oc A lot then go with the thermaltake bigwater 760i.....it's GOOD:
for amd processors i would recommend this... it's better than a zalman.....:
for intel processors i would recommend this....:
if you really want to go extreme...try an ultra chilltec:
Quite honestly, if your going to do water cooling, dont skimp. I say this from personal experience, as I bought a kit that was $120 and I would have been better off with high end air cooling and it probably would have costed less. That being said, I've heard good things about the Thermaltake bigwater kits...and, if your new to water cooling, kits really are convenient.
the bigwater was made for thermaltake armor+ cases tho. so i would pick up one of these bad boys.
great case and cooler. even saves you a couple bucks if you were to buy em seperate
also, if you like quite systems, water cooling as a lot quieter than pure air cooling
you should build your own water cooling it is much better than something like the big water and u can customize it for your case