Water Cooled 5800X3D Strange Temperatures

Oh also FYI as I found out long ago with my also long sold 3600, the AMD stock coolers do not clear the VRM cooling of this MB, real annoying…

Missed that, sorry.

38c is good, at this point, I’m thinking it’s the IHS. I’d definitely try to borrow the air cooler and see if that shows anything, but from what I’m seeing, this is probably down to the loose manufacturing tolerances. Real shame too, since this is a kickass CPU.

All good,

That’s what’s strange, it’s still kicking all the butts, just this strange temperatures…

That’s how my 5th gen Ryzen performs as well. Handles stock frequencies just fine, but when I try to give it a bit more, it throws a fit much past 100mhz.

I think the mounting is juuuust out of the ideal range, where it’s not really handling thermal transfer ideally, but otherwise it’s “good enough”

The way I see it, if you’re happy with the performance, the temps shouldn’t be too much of a concern. If you’re not happy with it, it might be time to consider a delid. I personally don’t go that extreme, but that’s mostly because I don’t want to knock off a cap under the lid.

If I recall isn’t deliding the 5000 chips (especially the 5800X3D with its cache) extremely dangerous if not impossible to do do to the fact that it’s soldered?

There’s a way to do it. IIRC, it involves heat-gunning it in a jig and when the IHS hits ~225c you’re good to remove it. Challenge is, it’s a very risky practice because you can also just knock the dies off the PCB.

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