Wasabi Mango UHD400 40" 4k VA

Hey guys i just picked up one of these and this might sound silly but i can't figure out how to get into the display menus.... There is no remote in the package and pushing on the M/S/arrow/speaker text or beneath is simply doesn't work. Where are the buttons? =(

Did you turn it on?

I have one, if that isnt it... dead?

If its got power could be a loose cable

There are buttons at the bottom slightly away from the edge. Look under your monitor. The button corresponding to M opens the menu.

oh you're right I wasn't reading closely enough

So I did some direct comparisons and for me turning the Response Time setting to ON improved things quite a bit. While the total response time doesn't seem to be reduced, it gets out of the dark colors a lot faster, which makes it dramatically less noticeable if you're not explicitly looking for the effect.

I think we need some large displays with high refresh rates. Sure the kids can make out text of a 4K display thats 24-30 inches but I cant and dont want to. DPI scaling is not the answer. I want good old 1:1 and at a size that makes sence so I can use it. All I need now is a decent refresh rate with freesync and im in. Decent in like 120-140Hz max. If your Nvidia then fine Gsync module tom foolery

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I purchased a Wasabi Mango UHD400 just a week ago from Accessorieswhole and I am quite happy with this monitor. Color calibration is crap out of the box, but can be corrected pretty well with the OSD.

The only problem, and this is a BIG problem, is severe ghosting. As few of you mentioned this issue and the seller claims there is no ghosting, I wonder if my device is faulty.

Here's the problem:

Thank you for your help anybody...

Have ghosting too. Didn't really test until now. Depends on the background though.
If it's important to you, return it if you can.

This inverse ghosting is a result of turning "Response Time" to on in the settings menu. Turning it off elminates the ghosting but raises the GtG pixel transitions to 8ms (from 5ms). It's personal preference which bothers you worse, the black trails or the inverse ghosting.

Not sure why you're dragging icons around and scrolling text, you can clearly see the difference between both settings using the link below.
