Wanting to make a small app, that knows when Software takes over HID to assert control

First off, I’m EXTREMLY green to programming. Most I’ve done are batch/script files.

Is this even possible:
I’m wanting to try and make a small program (OS or Kernel Level, doesn’t matter) that knows when control is removed from HID and shifted to Software (at OS or Kernel Level) during application use.

Just trying to see if it’s possible to make a free/open source application for people to use, to verify they’re not using something like a Aimbot Application in gaming.

If I have to start from scratch on programming to try and figure this out, I’m not apposed to it. Given I’m pretty damn green regarding programming, I figured I’d ask to see if it’s even possible first.

I have no idea how aimbots and stuff work, but wouldn’t they send HID inputs to the game?

As in, pretend to be USB devices themselves?

Or do the softwares directly control the game?

Any help squashing cheaters is a good thing, but if the game only accepts input from HID devices, wouf there be some way to lock down which device issued a command?

But I guess the chest software would just report it’s HW ID as a keyboard or whatever.

It’s a tough one, but good luck with it!

I’m not sure.

I tested in the past w/ two companies Aim Bot product, while recording the aim behavior.

Both apps (Engine Owning, and Supreme by BattleLog.co) both had to be launched right before the game. So nothing would be seen until after it was launched.

The way it works, there’s a few parameters that need met, before it’ll take control.

  1. Enemy player has to be within the FOV (visible area set that enemy needs to be in, before Aimbot will even lock on)
  2. The selected (chest, arm, hip, leg, etc.) lock location for the Aimbot needs to be visible (not blocked by obstacle) and within the FOV.
  3. User presses the selected ‘toggle’ button for the Aimbot to work.

I’m also thinking of maybe paired w/ a screen overlay showing a keyboard, mouse and controller, to show what keys are being pressed during gameplay to see if something is being toggled before enemy engagements.