VPN on home network?

Hi all,

I need some help in setting up a VPN access for home network. I have my computer and server that I would like to access from outside my network, securely, via a VPN.

My server will run FreeNAS, and it would be great to pull files from it when I'm not at home. But I don't want it wide open on the internet. Do I use a VPN provider? Can I install a VPN server in a FreeNAS jail? 

What's the best solution?

Thanks for your help.

The best option (in my opinion) is to run pfSense as your router and run OpenVPN from there. You CAN run an OpenVPN server from a normal PC (probably works in FreeNAS jail) but its kind of a pain, compared to pfSense which "just works". If you can set up pfSense that will give you a lot of options.

Thanks K4KHF. I have a small computer, gathering dust, that I can install pfSense on install OpenVPN. 

Do you know any decent providers that will serve static IP addresses? My ISP will probably charge a lot for that.

 I personally haven't done this, But I would assume you could use a DynDNS account for your Dynamic IP related issues

My ISP (Mediacom) doesn't, but mine hasn't changed in over 2 years anyway. If yours changes frequently then pfsense can update it through a DDNS service like No-IP, freeDNS, etc etc

As far as I know Virgin Media don't change their IP address that often. So i'm gonna set up a VPN box, forward ports, and see what happens. 

If they do you can use No-IP with pfSense. It's built right in, just click under Services and go to Dynamic DNS, very self explanatory. Let us know how it works out!